A Father's Concern (Conan & Kogoro father-son relationship)

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After Conan gets shot, Mouri feels worry that he will lost his 'son.' Spoiler for episode 189-Desperate Revival.

Rating: General

When Conan came out of the cave and was rushed to the hospital, Kogoro Mouri was annoyed with the boy. Yes, who told him to play in the cave until finally he became injured like this? Initially, he felt calm. That boy must be had only minor injuries, an usual scratches, cuts, and little bloody, but after that he will recover and return become a naughty boy again as usual, Mouri convince himself. But his calm turned into panic when Professor Agasa approached him and told him everything the doctor had said.

"He......... the boy needs surgery?! Is the wound so severe?"

Professor Agasa nodded. "Yes, he was shot in the right abdomen. There's so much blood." Professor Agasa replied with an anxious tone.

"The bullet penetrates to the kidneys, his condition is very critical. He lost a lot of blood. May cause bleeding in kidney, paralysis, or even death." Aibara added. Hearing their words, Mouri ran out of words. He was transfixed in his place. Fear and worry what will happen to the boy later. Is he able to survive? Although he can survive, but what if the boy becomes permanently paralyzed? Or become disabled? He's just 7 years old!

Indeed, when he first meets Conan and earlier days of Conan lives with him and Ran, Mouri isn't sure of his feelings to the boy. He looks like a boy in common— naughty, loves to play ball, disruptive, and chatty. But, as the time goes by, he feels that the boy is different from the boys of his age. He looks so mature and wise for a 7-year-old boy, very calm, dislikes the Heroes Masked or Kamen Rider serials like children in common, preferring to follow him to investigate the crime scene rather than playing in the amusement park. He also doesn't like chocolate or candy. He is also smart, even very smart. The teachers at his school always told Mouri how amazing his intelligence was.

Mouri hated to admit it, but deep down in his heart, he loved him. He loved that boy.Although Conan sometimes, or more precisely, often annoys him for interfering in his work, but he can't deny that Conan is a sweet, adorable, and also a good kid. He also feels irritated to Conan's parents, how could they bear to leave their only seven-year-old son to be cared for by a stranger? If he has a chance to meet Conan's parents one day, he will yell at them about how bad parents they are. Though he always prestige to show it, Mouri had considers Conan as his own son, and he cares for the boy.

And he doesn't want to lose Conan, no..... He was used to Conan who always follows him and Ran wherever they go... He was used to be annoyed by Conan who always interfered him when investigate crime scene.... He was used to hearing Conan's voice and his laughter that sometimes made his ears sore... He was used to eating with Conan at the dinner table... Thinking if Conan left them... And he lost all of that... he couldn't bear it. Mouri then sat limply in the waiting room with Professor Agasa, Haibara, Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko.

Conan, whatever happens, you have to survive, son!

"Conan, hang on! Hang on, Conan-kun!" Ran's desperate voice broke the silence in the waiting room. All of them turned around. Conan lies on the gurney, pushed by the nurses and doctors into the operating room.His body looks so small and weak with an oxygen mask in his mouth.The boy's breath also sounded broken and irregular. Seeing the boy in such conditions, coupled with Ran who is afraid of losing her brother, makes Mouri feel like wants to cry.

"Doctor!" A nurse suddenly ran frantically toward them. "It's bad! The same blood stock as this child's blood type has been used for previous patient surgery, and there is no stock anymore!"

"What?" Cried the doctor. "If we order to the blood bank now, there's no time! And we can't save this child!"

Mouri grunted toward the doctor, clutching the doctor's lapel and then looking at him fiercely.

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