Start from the beginning

When they landed the hacienda's grounds, she had that kind of euphoric-kind-of-melancholy type of feeling that she can't simply brush off. It was like inhaling the same grassy and sweet air again, as the high and mighty palace that stood before her was stretching its arms to welcome her back, while series of recollection came back to haunt her. This was where her marriage to him started. This was where he broke her heart and thought that pieces of them were still scattered all around the area.

Laura, her son, Joaquin, and a few men unknown to her, helped them with their luggage, while they approached the palace. Psyche took note of the newly painted walls and pillars, chandeliers were significantly cleaned, replaced carpets and draperies, while the coldest of marbled floor illuminated as if they were newly installed. Not to mention the smell of fresh roses and something close to Lavender. She was about to inhale the scent as she stood at the foot of the grand staircase when Richard Armani excused himself so that he could answer an incoming phone call. It was still four in the afternoon, yet the calm and cold wind of Baras, Rizal made her remember of the consecutive evenings when she was a wife to a non-existent husband. She withstood the icy weather because she can handle that. What she tried to endure was being married to the coldest man alive. 

" 'Ma, where are you going? "

Psyche turned her head around, while she pulled her trolley bag with her. She decided to go upstairs on her own since Benedict went running with Joaquin, while the rest of the helpers busied themselves since the master and his family arrived. The last time she was here, there were only two people who maintained the humongous palace, Laura included. Meanwhile, Laura asked if she needed assistance and she declined, telling the other woman that she knew her way. For a few moments, Psyche appreciated stopping and inspecting each change that she was seeing, she wanted this alone time. When she was already on the floor where her old, designated room was located, she wasn't exactly expecting that she was being followed. She eyed Benedict. Behind him was Richard Armani silently regarding her. She grunted and smiled at the kid.

" To my room, hijo. Would you like to join me for a few minutes? "

She was responded by Benedict's confusion, he scowled at her.

" Your room? What do you mean, your room? "

Benedict even eyed his father for more explanation. Psyche almost slapped her face for actually forgetting! She remembered, NO ONE knew that she wasn't sharing her husband's room! Even up to this date, really. Richard Armani grunted, arched an eyebrow at her, mutely sending her warnings signs, of course.

" Love Untitled " ~ The Road Home ~ BOOK SIXWhere stories live. Discover now