Chapter Two

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"I knew my wife wanted me to stay," pushing pass Jason and Epiphany, Drew fights to get his hands on Sam. He knows deep down Sam was talking about the real Jason, but he can't show resolve in the face of defeat. At all costs, he knows he has to fight to the bitter end.

Steps away from Sam, Drew's pursuit is halted by Epiphany's rough, firm hand.

"Who are you referring too, Hun?" Spinning Drew around her, giving him the evil eye, Epiphany asks Sam for clarity.

Seeing what Drew is doing to Sam, Epiphany tries to lessen the fallout. She can see Sam wants Jason, the real Jason. The Jason with the face she has stared at for years; the Jason with the eyes that read her soul with a glance. The Jason they've always known as Jason.

Sam opens her mouth to answer but Drew words fill the room first.

"Of course, she was talking about me," Drew interjects. "I'm the real Jason. Me! Ok, stop confusing my wife. I want you both to leave us alone" Drew whines fighting Epiphany's grip. He fights a losing battle. Epiphany is a brick house. She will not be moved.

As Epiphany and Drew battle for who can be next to Sam, Sam and Jason stare into each other.

Their eyes haven't disconnected from each other since Sam found her voice again, and muttered Jason's name. Weakened by her deep brown eyes, Jason can't find the strength to look away, he can see the pain in her soul, and he wants to make it stop. He wants to soothe the fire raging within her. He wants to be the Jason she is referring to, the one that gets to stay with her in her time of need. The one she believes is her Jason.

To hear his name, come from her lips, after 5 years, was the icing on the homecoming cake. Sam's voice passed through Jason's soul, causing every muscle to cease in his body. Jason was over this unnecessary bullshit. He felt that he had spent enough time away from Sam. He didn't want to waste another minute hearing the wannabe scream about "his" wife. He didn't want to waste another minute not fulfilling her requesting eyes.

"ENOUGH!" Jason's voice thunders through the room.

"Enough!" Jason's voice softens with the attention of the room. He doesn't like to yell but seeing the pain within Sam, ignites a fury within him.

"Sam can tell us who she was referring too. Sam can tell us who, she wants to stay. It's Sam's choice, it's what Sam wants." Jason testifies.

His statement melts Sam's heart and any doubt she may have carried with it. Her Jason never told her what she wanted or needed. Her Jason, always asked. Her Jason, only ever wanted whatever she wanted. Whatever made her truly happy. Whatever put that smile on her face.

Becoming overwhelmed by Jason's testimony; Sam's eyes swell with tears and her heart monitor beings to beep rapidly. Sam begins to remember her wedding to Jason, the words he said, the words she said, the emotions they felt. She remembers the smell of the garden, the look on Jason's face. She remembers the love in his eyes; the passion in his words. She remembers... her Dragon.

"The union between a bride and groom is the union between the Phoenix and the dragon."

"The dragon is the symbol of strength, it can scare off evil spirits. Protect the innocent and can bless those around him with safety."

Sam yearns for the dragon in Jason. A yearning she thought had dulled over the years; a yearning that now was burning straight through to her soul. This silent yearning causes her monitors to go crazy. Remembering her wedding sends Sam's heart and mind into overdrive. The emotions from the memories were stronger than she expected. She didn't expect to be taken back to her wedding night. She didn't expect to face two Jason. She didn't expect the emotion to be so intense and so raw, that it blocks all forms of communication she possessed.

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