Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

They followed the cart. They knew that if they attacked, they would be shot down and captured again. They flew as low as they dared, but it was high enough so that the guards would not see them.

"What shall we do?" Ania asked Malus, scared for Alykana and Eoius.

"What can we do?" he asked in despair, looking around to see if they could find a way to get them out. All he saw was mountains and paths - nowhere for them to gain any advantage.

"Where are they going?"

"I don't know."

Ania felt tears forming in her eyes. They had to get them out as fast as they could, but it was hard enough getting themselves out. All the escaping seemed to be in vain if they couldn't save them.

But where were they going?

They travelled along the road away from Geramina, going in the direction of the forest.

"Are they going towards Alykana's house?" Ania suddenly asked, realising that they were going in that direction.

Malus looked around for a moment; as if he was judging the distance between the house and seeing what direction the cart was travelling,

"Maybe." He said slowly, "It's possible."

"It would take many days for them to get there," Ania said, almost happily, "Won't it?"

Malus thought about it for a moment, but shook his head.

"That's usually at walking pace or on a cart when they take breaks." He said solemnly, "They're likely to be travelling all night, and the guards are driving very fast."

Ania felt disheartened, but was determined not to let it affect her.

"We can still get to them in time." She said, more to herself than Malus.

Malus smiled for a moment, but then sighed.

"Ania," he said, pulling her to a stop for a second, holding her wrist when she tried to continue, "We're fine - we fly a lot faster than they drive."

Ania sighed, hovering in the air next to Malus.

"I have something for you," Malus told her, smiling slightly, "I saw you looking at it."

He held out something in his palms, and Ania took it in her hands. It was a gold chain bracelet, with emeralds set within it. It was the bracelet she had seen in Reial - the one she could not afford.

"You bought this for me?" she asked him, choking up slightly. She fingered the emeralds softly, trying to fasten it on her wrist. Her hands were batted aside as Malus took the bracelet from her, fixing the clasps quickly. He smiled at her, focusing her gaze from the bracelet for a moment.

She smiled back.

"I knew you loved it, so I bought it for you," he said softly, making her want to cry. No-one had ever bought her something because she wanted it, for years - if ever.

"Thank you," she whispered, giving him a quick hug. She withdrew quickly, flying in the direction of the cart. She flew backwards for a few moments, watching Malus shaking his head and flying after her, a smile on his face.

They followed the cart for many more hours, trying to get some leeway, but failing. The guards seemed to have a planned out route, where they could see the outside from any direction if they got within a certain distance from the cart.

Ania didn't know how Malus knew that, but apparently the way they were placed was a strategy he knew about. It was a bonus that Malus worked as a guard - something Ania constantly forgot - but it made sense. He was a guard on Sufsjpa, so he would be trained in their strategy. Although the Ruby Guard was more like an army than guards, but he was educated as a soldier and a guard.

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