two ☁️

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nikki's pov

I finally got inside my apartment when I heard a loud smash. "Hello?" I said, into my empty apartment. I began to slowly walk through my apartment then I saw my little kitten. "Hey baby! Was that loud crash you? Did you make that noise?" I bent down to pet her when a figure walked out of my room. "Hey hun." I looked up and literally felt like my heart was about to pop out of my chest. "Gia! Shit, you almost gave me a heart attack! What the hell are you doing here?" Gia, my former roommate, still had her key so she could go in and out of my apartment.

I just wanted to visit and see you! I haven't seen you in weeks!" She went in for a hug, but I stopped her. "Gia." I said, straight forward. "Yeah?" She asked, pretending to not know why I stopped her. "Gia." I said again. "Why are you REALLY here?" She looked down at the floor so she was scared to ask my something. "I only came back because...I need money." She did a little frown and said, "But I understand that I still need to pay you back but I promise I will this time!" She held my hand.

"Gia, you still owe me 400 dollars! Where the hell is it?" Little story, I kicked Gia out because she kept stealing money from me, never paid her part of the rent, never helped me with food, almost never cleaned up her room, well you get the idea. "I have the money, Nikki! It's just not the full $400." "Well give me what you have! I don't have that much money left." At this time, I was getting a little bit angry.

She pulled out wallet and took out a $20 bill. "20 dollars? Is it literally all you have to give me? Gia, I gave you 400 dollars! That was over 6 months ago!" "I know Nikki but I need the money like now!" "Gia, I have therapy appointment on Saturday. I can't give you any more money and--" "Wait, did you say that you have a therapy appointment? Nik, you're in therapy?" I rolled my eyes. I picked up my kitten and took her to the couch with me, and sat down. "Yes, it's not important though. I just need to talk to someone."

"About what? Nik, you still have my number. You could've just texted me and I would listen to you." She put my hand on my shoulder, "But you wouldn't understand. No one does." "So what makes you think that a therapist can understand and shit? I understand you more than you know." "He helps me. He listens, he doesn't interrupt me like most people. He understands and watches how I act when I speak about certain things." I began to fidget with my hands. I do this whenever I'm nervous.

"Who is this therapist? Is she the most outstanding person you've ever met in your life?" "It's a man. To be honest, yes...he is outstanding. He's the most amazing person I've ever met." I probably looked like I was in a daze, smiling to myself... "I know that look." I quickly shot a glance at Gia and said, "What look?" "The look when you're in love with someone or something. You like him!" She pointed a finger at me, "No I don't. Shut the hell up." I leaned back in my couch.

"What? Is he this handsome 27 year old therapist with glasses?" I shook my head. "Is he the same age as you?" I shook my head again. "He's older? How much older? 8?" I counted in my head, "WAIT! He's so much older than you that you need to COUNT?" She bursted our laughing. "What's so funny about that?" She suddenly stopped and looked at me. "Nik..." She leaned in closer to my face and said, "Does he have children?" I rolled my eyes and said, "Two." She started screaming and said,


She started laughing so much that she started crying. I could feel my face getting my flushed with embarrassment. "Okay, I think it's time for you to leave." "Why? Can I see a picture of him?" "Gia, leave please." "Why? How good looking is he? Like over the top or what?" "LEAVE ALREADY! WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?" I shoved her out of the door, slammed it, and locked it. I heard her say through the door, "I'm coming back tomorrow to check up on you." Damn, after all that...

I'm hungry."


hello luvs, i hope ya'll are having an amazing day! i also hope that you liked chapter 2 of this book! i hope it's still good and funny. i'm trying to make this one a bit more funny than my others, because why not? but don't forget to follow my on my instagram!

ig; em_ptyyyy ♥️

buuuut don't forget to vote this chapter for more upcoming chapters! if you would like, please leave a comment! it can be random, funny, or any questions you may have! well, until chapter three, i'll see ya'll next time! ✨

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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