Chapter 5

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"Please don't be mad. You dropped the letter on the floor in my office and I picked it up and then-"
"And then you read it." Morgan finishes.
"Yeah, I read it." Garcia confirms and hangs her head down in shame.
"I have promised Emily to not tell anyone about her secret. She didn't even want me to know."
"So why do you? What made her tell you?" Garcia asks. She's surprised that Morgan isn't as angry as she first thought.
"Well she wasn't planning on it but, you know on JJ's wedding, Emily got pretty drunk at the end so I offered to take her home. When we got in the taxi she looked really sad so I simply asked her if she was okay. Then she just started to cry and I didn't know what to do so I just took her into my arms. When the taxi stopped outside Emily's apartment I helped her get inside. She was still crying so I couldn't leave. When she stopped crying after half an hour or so I asked her why she was sad."
"And she told you." Garcia says while trying her best to take in all this new information about her friend.
"You should have seen her face Pen. You could basically see her walls crashing down and revealing the most broken person I've ever seen."
"I can't believe it Morgan."

Meanwhile in the bullpen Reid and JJ are conspiring about why Morgan suddenly was so urgent to talk to Garcia.
"Do you think there's something going on between them?" Reid asks
"If it was, I would know about it. Garcia can't keep quiet about things like that. No this is about something else."
"Could it be-" Reid gets cut off by the speakers from the conference room.
"We have to do something to help." The agents hear Garcia's voice through the speakers. The IT-genius is unknowingly leaning against the button which goes to the speakers out in the bullpen. The whole bullpen has gone quiet in order to hear what's being said in the conference room.
"You're right, but there is nothing we can do." Morgan answers
"Yes there is. We can tell JJ and then she can do the wonders."
"No. Absolutely not. No one is supposed to know about this, especially not JJ!"
Out in the bullpen the other agents are looking at JJ, waiting for her to explain what they're hearing through the speakers.

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