Daddy's Drunk

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"The hell are you *hiccup* talking about. I'm not drunk." Bakugo said. Hoshi stood up and stood in front of Bakugo. "Okay then." She held up 4 fingers. "How many fingers am I holding up?" She asked. "Fifty!" Deku giggled. "See, Deku's drunk." Hoshi said. "Nuh uh." Deku pouted. "Now, how many fingers?" She asked. Bakugo looked at her fingers. "Depends. How many *hiccup* hands are you holding up?" Hoshi face palmed. "I have one hand up, Bakugo. If you can't tell that then your drunk." She added. "I'm not fucking drunk." 

He tried to count how many fingers she had up. "Uh, I'm guessing 2." Bakugo said. "Daddy's *hiccup* drunk. There's *hiccup* fifty daddy." Deku said. "Deku, there's 2, not fifty." Bakugo said."Your both wrong, I have 4 up." Hoshi said. "Fuck..." Bakugo mumbled. 

"Well I still can have what I *hiccup* fucking want." He said as he got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen where he grabbed another bottle of vodka. Deku wobbled over next to him and pulled on his hand. "Can we *hiccup* share daddy?" Deku asked. "Get your own. Don't you usually have some in your pockets?" Bakugo asked. Deku reached in his pockets and pulled out a bottle of vodka. "Oh yeah." He said as he drank some.

Hoshi walked out and took Deku's vodka and reached for Bakugo's but he pulled away. "Don't you fucking touch it." Bakugo growled. "Mommy! *hiccup* That's mine!" Deku said. Hoshi shadow hand grabbed the vodka out of Bakugo's hand. "Fuuuuck." Bakugo reached for the vodka, but couldn't get it. "Give it *hiccup* back." Hoshi dumped the vodka down the sink. "Aahhh! No!" Deku started crying. Bakugo walked up to his room and walked out the door with money in his pockets. "I'll be back." Bakugo said. Hoshi sighed. "Aizawa. Can you please restrain Bakugo? He's drunk." Hoshi asked as Aizawa wrapped her scarf around Bakugo.

"Let me *hiccup* go. I'm not drunk." Bakugo said. Aizawa looked at him. "Fine then. Go and try to walk over to the stairs." Aizawa let Bakugo go. Bakugo slowly walked over to the stairs, making sure he was in a straight line. "There." He said as he smiled. "Now walk back a little faster." She said. Bakugo sped up and face planted on the floor. "Ow." He said with his face in the floor. Aizawa stood in front of the door.

"Deku, do you want some cake?" Hoshi asked. "No! I want vaka!" Deku yelled. Hoshi sighed. "Not right now, later." She said. Deku continued to cry. "Deku, come on. Go play with Bakugo." Hoshi said. "I want vaka." Deku whined. Todoroki then walked through the door.

Bakugo ran over to him. "You gotta fucking *hiccup* help me. They wont let me out." Bakugo looked at him. "Uh, Bakugo? Are you drunk?" Todoroki asked. "Tch, no." Bakugo pouted. Aizawa grabbed Bakugo with her scarf. "Hoshi needs help in the kitchen." She said. "I told you to put me down!" Bakugo yelled. Todoroki made his way into the kitchen where he found Deku crying. 

He knelt down to him. "Deku. Come watch TV with me." Todoroki said. "I want vaka daddy." Deku whined. "You can have some later Deku. If you watch TV." Deku pouted. "I don't *hiccup* want to." He started crying again. 

Baby Kachan unlocked his door and slowly made his way downstairs where he looked at everyone. He snuck behind everyone and went into the kitchen. "How about we got to bed then?" Hoshi said. "No!" Deku yelled. "I want vaka!" Baby Kachan walked over to Deku. "Hey Deku. Wanna play with me?" He asked. Deku looked up at him and wiped his eyes. "You wanna play *hiccup* with me?" Deku asked. Baby Kachan nodded. "Okay!" He smiled. Baby Kachan ran away. "Come catch me!" Deku ran after him while giggling. Todoroki went up to his room to finish some paperwork.

Bakugo saw Deku running. "Dekuuuu! Come here." Bakugo yelled. "Daddy, *hiccup* I'm busy." Deku said as he ran away. "Noooo. *hiccup* Come baaaack." Bakugo swung his head around. "Bakugo, you need to rest." Hoshi said. "I'm not going to fucking sleep. *hiccup*  I'm fine." Bakugo jerked his head away from Hoshi. "Look whose acting immature now." Hoshi said getting annoyed. "Not immature, just don't wanna sleep. Now can you let me *hiccup* go?" He looked at Hoshi.

"No." She walked away and locked the door, and made her way upstairs where she locked all the windows. She came back down and locked all the windows and then AIzawa let him go. "Go play with Deku." Hoshi said. "Don't fucking *hiccup* tell me what to do." Bakugo pouted as he went to find Deku. Deku was running and he turned into a cat when he jumped on Bakugo's head. Baby Kachan jumped on top of him. "ACH!" Bakugo hit his head across the floor. Baby Kachan jumped off of him as Deku ran away and he chased after him. Bakugo stood up and rubbed his head. "You fucking brats....*hiccup*" 

Then there was a loud hissing noise in the living room. Deku clawed at Baby Kachan. Hoshi ran in and picked up Deku. "Deku, what are you doing?" She asked. Deku just looked at Baby Kachan. "Deku." Hoshi said. Deku turned back into a human and glared at Baby Kachan. "He tried to *hiccup* touch my hair." Deku said. "Only cause it's soft!" Baby Kachan yelled. "Deku, it's your hair. And you two need to stop fighting." Hoshi said. "Yeah, Deku." Baby Kachan said. "Hey. I said the both of you." Hoshi said. Deku stuck his tongue out at Baby Kachan. Baby Kachan got annoyed and ran after Deku.

Deku jumped out of her arms and ran away giggling. "Come back here, Deku!" Deku climbed on top of the fridge as a cat. "Aww no fair! Get down here!" Baby Kachan whined. Deku turned back into a human and saw that there was vodka on the fridge. He put some in his pockets and jumped off of the fridge. He hit Baby Kachan and ran away. "Ow." Baby Kachan rubbed his face. "That's it! GET THE HELL OVER HERE YOU ASSHOLE!" Baby Kachan yelled. Hoshi shadow hand grabbed Baby Kachan. "What did I say about swearing?!" Hoshi asked. "That bastard slapped me!" Baby Kachan whined. Deku was in the living room giving vodka to Bakugo.

Hoshi set Baby Kachan down and took the vodka away. "HEY! I NEVER SAID YOU COULD *hiccup* TAKE THAT!" Bakugo yelled. Hoshi dumped it down the sink again. She shadow hand grabbed Bakugo and Deku. "We are going to bed, NOW!" Hoshi yelled. "I told you not to *hiccup* tell me what to fucking do." Bakugo pouted. "TODOROKI! I NEED HELP!" Hoshi yelled. "NO! STAY THE HELL *hiccup* AWAY!" Todoroki flinched and made his way downstairs and saw Hoshi was holding Bakugo and Deku. "They need to go to bed." She sighed. "I'm not going to fucking sleep." Todoroki went to his room and found a bottle of Midnight's sleeping gas and brought it down.

He opened the bottle next to Bakugo and Deku. "Oooh *hiccup* so preeeetty. *hiccup*" Deku said as he fell asleep. "" Bakugo fell asleep. Hoshi brought them to the couch and set them down. "Thank you." Hoshi hugged Todoroki. "You should go rest, I'll watch them." Todoroki said. "Really?" Hoshi looked at him. Todoroki nodded. "Yeah." Hoshi smiled. "Thank you." Hoshi walked up to her room and fell asleep on her bed.

Todoroki walked over to the couch and put Deku on his lap. He noticed that Golden, Uraraka, and Kaminari were asleep on the floor, obviously with Kaminari in his sleeping bag. Dabi was holding Baby Kachan in his lap who was sleeping. "How are you, the smallest child here, always the hardest to take care of?" Todoroki asked as he pet Deku's head. Dabi looked over at him. "They both are really hard to take care of. I guess that's why were here, to help them." Dabi said. "I guess your right. They can either be a pain, or actually fun to be around." Todoroki smiled. 

"Yeah even Bakugo has gotten used to Deku by now. He will either wont let Deku go, or he just wants to be left alone." Dabi continued. "Bakugo seems to like Deku more than Baby Kachan, I don't know why. He's starting to lose his 'attitude' around others with Deku here. I guess Deku really has something that makes everyone just not want to let him go. But Baby Kachan does too. He has Deku, and he has us. I think we need them as much as they need us." Dabi fell asleep while Todoroki was talking. Todoroki looked over at him sleeping and smiled.

"They tire everyone out, even themselves." Todoroki then fell asleep on the couch while Deku was in his lap.

Baby Deku, Kachan, and their "family"Where stories live. Discover now