Battle Plan

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This is a short story my best friend had made in her sleep(yes, this is a dream). It was so heartwarming and ridiculous I absolutely had to type it up and publish it. If there are things that make no sense, well, it's a dream, so...



The Fandom Phoenix of Fantasia


Raven sighed, setting her book down after she accidentally froze the already-delicate pages. Being a half-giantess was hard, controlling the powers that came with, harder. It didn't help that on top of everything she was the child of the frost giantess/goddess of hunting, Winter, skiing, and mountains, Skadi.

Raven waved to a young Jotunn servant girl, Skýtt, who came up to where she was sitting in her chair, curtsied, and took the book from her hands, scurrying off to the hearth in her chambers and laying the book out carefully to thaw and dry.

Glancing out the window, Raven watched the everlasting chaos outside. Of course, the cold never really bothered her, but ironically enough, she dreamed of going back to where she grew up in Minnesota. You still got blizzards there until early April, but it was a beautiful place in the summer, if you'd just look past the mosquitoes.

There was a knock at her door, snapping Raven back to reality. Blinking, then recomposing herself, Raven nodded to Skýtt, who gave a curt nod and answered whoever was on the other side.

Getting up, Raven walked towards the open door, already knowing who was there. Skýtt was talking to him already, the person just so happening to be Raven's best friend from childhood and captain of her guard, Aaron Terbis.

Aaron smiled to her, although it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"My Lady," he said, bowing.

Nodding to Skýtt, she curtsied once more before taking her leave. "You do not have to be all formal with me, you know." The Frost Princess told Aaron once Skýtt was out the door. "What are we now, best friends turned strangers?"

He shrugged. "Yes, well, I figured that I better set a good example for your little servant."

A smile crept its way on Raven's face. She punched Aaron's arm, laughing with him like they used to in the good-old days.

"How is Emmashade?" Raven asked once she and her childhood friend calmed down.

"Oh, she is fine. She misses you, by the way." Aaron replied.

His face grew serious. "Seriously, though. Are you ready for this?"

Raven sighed. "Emma told you."

"Do not blame it on her. We are just looking out for you. You will have to face him, you know. I do not want you hurt like last time."

She sighed. "Yes, I am ready."

Raven turned around and walked towards a set of doors connected to her chambers.

"Meet me down in the conference room. I will be there in a few minutes."

Nodding to her back, Aaron left.

"He should be wandering around here, but other than that we do not have any specifics of his whereabouts."

Aaron and Raven's other best friend, Serabith Lorentyr, were leaning over a map on the table in the middle of the conference room, while the half-giantess herself was watching from the side. Raven, now clad in her light armor and weaponry, sighed at her friends' vagueness, especially when she could barely see the map herself. "Care to tell me, the one who is going to execute the mission, where I should be heading?"

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