A Turn of Events

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“Oh my God, it’s Justin Bieber!” A few girls ran towards me and asked for pictures.

I was going to pose for the pictures when a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the entrance.

“Sorry, girls. He’s needed asap.” Charlie said before closing the door.

“I wanted to take pictures with them, y’know.” I stated.

“Me, too but you have to be there for the entrance. We already extended to wait for you.” She placed her phone by her ear.

“Where’s your mask?” She asked.

“What mask?” I replied.

“Oh, God.” She muttered.


“Yeah, he’s here with me.”

“Yeah, we’re on our way up.”

“He doesn’t have a mask.”

“You have an extra?”



“I won’t.”


“Do you have a mask?” I asked.

She pointed at an eye mask that was dangling at her waist. It was a shade of blue that matched her dress and Niall’s tie.

I nodded as the doors opened and Kirstie threw me a red coloured mask which I hastily put on.

Everyone was wearing masks since the theme of her party was masquerade. I really didn’t recognize anybody except for Kirstie and Charlie both of which I have seen with masks off.

“Come here.” Kristie pulled me towards a pale skinned girl wearing a red lacy cocktail dress that hugged her frame quite nicely. I didn’t know who she was since she had a mask on but her dress matched my red satin pocket square so I guess she was my partner.

I turned around and recognized Louis’ signature hair since I have grown to like it. He was with Eleanor; I recognized the soft curls and long legs. Her legs were uhm, nice. In front of me was Harry’s curls and his cheeky smile was visible through his white mask that matched Kirstie’s dress and his suit. It looked pretty weird since I’ve heard that they’re not actually good at the moment. I could sense the tension in both of their bodies. It was fascinating. Farther in front were Charlie and Niall who were both sporting blue which suited both of their pale skin. In the front of the line were Liam and Dannielle wearing different shades of green but both rocking it. It was a typical party fairytale. It felt like prom.

“Where’s Bea?” I asked Louis.

Louis cleared his throat and shrugged just as the music started and Liam and Dannielle started walking towards a table. Kirstie and Harry followed and so did me and my partner who was very quiet all throughout. Louis and Eleanor took their places as the band, which was Maroon 5 (Niall and Charlie’ choice I bet) changed into a softer tune and the lights dimmed a little making everyone turn to the door again.

Tiarna emerged from the doors wearing an amazing looking baby pink gown which I heard was from Dolce & Gabbana and Zayn was wearing the same shade of pink in his bow tie as he escorted Tiarna to the front of the room. People were clapping as Tiarna went to take her seat. Zayn kissed her hand before joining our table which was directly in front of where Tiarna was sat.

“Let’s get this party started!” Adam said as they started playing the first notes of This Love.

After a few minutes of dancing, Charlie pulled me aside.

Taking Love's Risk (One Direction and Justin Bieber Fanfiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat