Chapter 1

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Callie was walking down the dark street when suddenly she  Heard a screeching noise"h-hello?!" She looked in both directions around the Narrow Road but saw nothing. 'ok Callie get it together, it was just your imagination!' she thought as she ran threw the narrow road to her apartment complex door. As she opens the door the overwhelming sent of fresh flowers hit her in the face while the cool draft of the building flooded threw the door, she breathed in deeply as she walked towards her apartment. She saw a small glimmer out of the corner of her eye as she passed but chose to ignore it. she walked to her apartment door, got her keys, and opened it to be greeted by a unfamiliar sight. A bright pink cat was sitting on the floor looking at her "who are you little one?" She asked, she pet the cat as it purred rubbing up against her leg. "Meow~" it practically sang out
But Callie noticed somting odd about this cat aside from its pink fur coat, it had two different color eyes! one pink,  and one yellow. For a second she quietly thought to herself  "I think I'll call you donut!" she exlamed happily.

Time skip brought to you by donut~~

Callie was sitting down on her couch when suddenly a pink haired man with cat ears came into the room "who the fuck are you!?!" She practically screams. The man flinched at her words "my name is Aaron, but you usually just call me donut." He said plainly "what the fuck are you talking about donut is my fucking cat!!"
But suddenly she noticed his pink hair and cat ears, and his eyes that matched with the cats perfectly 'what the hell is going on? No keep your cool' she thought as she took a deep breath and finally said "prove it." He looked confused for a second "prove what?" He tilted his head "prove that your my cat!" Suddenly he got on all fours, and a bright light eliminated gently from him and he had turned into a cat! "Ok what the fuck is going on, and how can you do that?" She questioned. Once again had the cat turned into a man and started to explain "I'm a witch" her eyes widened "those don't exist!" She exlamed "I can turn into a fucking cat,  and you are doubting witches?" "Fair point, but why are you here?" He stared at her for a moment confused at her words "I don't know myself I just passed out and ended up here." (Quick A/N they had been living together for 3 months now) "that's strange do you have any idea what could of happened?" He looked down at his feet frowning  "Unforchinatly not" Callie nodded understanding his pain.

1 week later they had become friends

"hey donut I'm going to work ok!"she yelled while She turned her head toward him on the couch "ok!" He yelled back glancing at her.

(Callies POV)
I got to the office and started to work on a few projects before the greatest asshole player of them all came barging into my office "what do you want, dick head" i shot him a tarifying glare " ya' know if lookes could kill I would be dead" he smirked at his words "get to the piont!" I yelled furiously. His smirk widened into a devilish grin as he said "oh nothing important, just" he got on his knees and looked up while his hands were in a praying gesture "would you go on a date with me!" As he said this,  he looked up teary eyed "no." I said bluntly for the 300th time this week. He got into a feedle position on the ground sulking.

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