~ Epilog ~

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This story is about girl who was born twice. When i'm saiyng ' twice' i mean it literally.
How could probably someone be born twice ? You saying ...
For most people is completely unbelievable fact but for our main character is completely normal situation and style of life.
Her life looks like this.. She live for twelve hour like Raya in Canada and when she fall asleep then she wakes up on the other side of Earth in Tokyo, Japan as girl named Aiko.
Raya was born in Toronto, Canada into satisfied and happy Morin's family.
This family is loving and caring and gives her everything what she needs. Her father is an Architect and he got very good income. He projects bridges and tunnels for public transport in Toronto. They live in huge house in a wealthy neighborhood where they live their happy live.
On the other side Aiko has got no family. Her parents died when she was only three years old. At this point she grew up in orphanage,where others doesn't treat her right. In the orphanage was group of girls which leads girl named Yakato. This group unstopably going after Aiko.
Raya tried for many times end her helpless life as a Aiko and she was desperately looking for ways how to stay as a Raya  Many times she tried overcome the limit of life but she ends
up in the hospital as a Aiko even as Raya.

She found out that she can't play with her destiny like that and after that she gave it up and she learnt how to live like this. Since then she tried to live best how she could managed.
She started enjoy every beautiful moment as a Raya,  cause as Aiko she got no happy moments.
  On the other hand thanks hard times in orphanage her quality was that she learnt how to use martial arts.
Aiko decided to stand up for a great goodness and she is prepared to fight against evil and become Jagdi -(Japanese fighter - alike assasin)-
When Aiko/Raya became adult she got bright plans for her future. She look over her two lives as a benefit how she can help a world to be better with in a great way.
Raya is preparing herself for University in Ohio where she wants study climate changes and policy.Her father saved her lot money for this school. More that she is really capable to spend and she decided to send some of this money to Aiko for a better good.
  So she can become Jadgi.
Aiko got no idea what she is heading to deal with.
When she finally became adult and she leaves orphanage her biggest enemy from childhood - Yakato - is already two years out of orphanage and she became very dangerous and ready for fight. Yakato was always coming right after Aiko.
Yakato's hate for Aiko doesn't changed.
Yakato's personality is rude, very strict and leader type of person. She got very pretty face too. Thanks these facts Yakato always had many supporters.  Yakato create group which was called 'Goroma', which got ten members of girls. These girls wasn't as usual. They can do martial arts too and they kept going after Aiko.
When Yakato leaved orphanage she continued with her plan. She  created her own totally secret sect which worked as mafia and she gaved this group same name 'Goroma'. This group is way more dangerous these days. Goroma got fifty members of dangerous sort of evil people.
Few members of this group knows Aiko really well and thanks to them she had really bad and painful childhood.
However now is way more worse cuz Goroma is unstopabble, dangerous , way more stroger, Goroma's members are absolutely messengers of evil. Goroma is very technogically equipped and got deathly weapons … going after Aiko.
All it started when Yakato was only 13 years old and Aiko was 12. In this time someone start finally caring and interesting into Aiko. It was boy called Yuri-ko. How it goes Aiko's enemy Yakato was crazy inlove with Yuri-ko. But boy refused her because he was only person which saw from the beggining that Yakato is really vengeful, selfish and evil girl.  After this big refuse he started to be friend with Aiko.  From that time Aiko's life was even little better and ligher and more pleasant.
Yuri-ko always helped Aiko a lot in hard times and he always stands with her when someone tried to hurt her.
But hovewer life is full of unexpected and injuring moments. We never can change our destiny.
When Aiko was 16 years old Yuri-ko died on cancer.
This fact totally destroyed Yakato's mental health and she decided to destroy Aiko. The fire of hate was burning in Yakato from this point. Yakato's hate for Aiko was getting day from day worse and her only plan was to destroy her.

- To be continued -

This song fits perfectly to this story.

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