chptr 1

66 4 15

*go follow george_the_chicken *
kenny sighed and rolled off of his princess appleTM bed and into the gae world of  g a e.

"o o f" kenny screeched as he hit the rainbow sidewalk.

he seen his frens mark and max in japan school girl uniforms. he looked down and seen he was in one.

"da hecc is all dis gae stuf" he cried

"ur in trap town, world of gae." mark said.

le gasp


then he seen the pwettyiest ball ever

"homo im keeeeny." kerney said.

"owo" the ball said.

"noice nome" kfc said

the ball went and had rlly nice chivkn nugets with mork.

"I THT WEE HAD A THNG" keeeeenry yelped.

to be continud

keeping up with the big spooky gaeWhere stories live. Discover now