Shimla: A Haunted Heaven

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"It been a long ass day" he exclaimed. He was driving for the last 50 min. But he was tired as hell. He didn't expect the 3 hr. drive to be this long but his urge to see his pregnant wife gave him more energy than any other thing on earth. It was almost 11:30 till he reached Shimla. Now that's where the story began to take a drastic turn. He started feeling dreadful out of no where even his feeling of seeing her queen. When he reached victory tunnel situated in the heart of Shimla his mind and his heart were in debate for no reason his stream of thoughts were telling his brain again again that turn left when you reach victory tunnel but his mind told him to go straight towards bus stand as it would take less time to reach Jakho Hill but at last his mind won the battle over his heart.

He pushedthe gas paddle hard. It was already quite late to take the forest road he knewthat but ignored the fact and all the stories of that dark road. Being askeptic he didn't believe the stories and the legends about the place though heheard some of them from people whom he trusted more than his soul. But littledid he know what he thought to be hoax can turn his life upside down. Butunaware of the fact he drove past the Hotel Holiday Home at around 11:40 andsuddenly saw the road to be straight that was a dead curve he thought it toutterly strange so he stopped the car but didn't have the courage to get outthe car to see what's happening. He came with a conclusion of driving with hisexperience of driving in Shimla and took the curve and as soon as hesteered towards left the road disappeared and he saw in the direction it shouldhave been.

He found thatstrange but thought the darkness was playing games with his almost dead mind.He called his wife who was dead asleep after a long day but she woke up withjolt and when she heard the story she was horrified after this incident shefelt something was wrong she knew that it was no darkness game. She told himnot to take forest road whatsoever happens but he didn't care about what shesaid and to satisfy her heart said alright but he was not in the mood ofdriving another 30 min. from another side of the hill so he decided to takeleft at Navbhar Chowk (an intersection) .

As soon as hedrove past the last patch of the houses on that road he saw a shadowy figure inthe dark but gave no heed to it. He decided to drive a bit fast. It was 11:55pmwhen he reached a place called 'Chudail Baudi' . He saw someone again but thistime more clearly and was astonished by the fact that someone was walking downthis road at such a time of night. He thought of giving that disembodied figurelift to his home. But it was at that time he realized that the person wassitting in his back seat when looked upon his shoulder he looked nothing buthis backseat. But he knew he saw someone in the back mirror he. But now hestarted seeing that person more prominently and now after all this horriblehappenings were accompanied with feeling of misery and all happiness has beensucked out of him he felt like there is nothing left in the world to live andfor once he thought of driving his car over the fence. But a voice in his mindstopped him and made him get the hope of life again. He called his wife withall his might and told him all about the happening and came out of the car satdown crouched in the front of the car. Meanwhile his wife came with some holyseeds given to her by the priest at the Jakhoo temple. To reach early she tookthe walk through the forest in which she saw dark figures following her but sheknew that no one could touch her until she had the holy seeds.

She reachedthe place and saw her husband crouched to the ground and not looking towardsher. She gave him some seeds and threw the seed inside the car. They drove backhome where his husband was in a state of shock and could not recover from theshock and mysteriously died after 3 months.

This story may seems to be just fiction but its true and every bit of this is heard by myself from the mans wife

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