"Wanda would you stay out of my mind?" I asked angrily and stormed off. I got more annoyed looking around, same stupid scenery no matter where you went.

I walked for five minutes before my spidey senses went off and I saw a piece of wood come flying at me. I dodged it and ran to it when it fell. It looked like a part of groot... I looked up and saw him acting out. I walked over to him.

"I AM GROOT!" He yelled throwing another part of him.

"Wow Groot calm down, what's the matter?" I asked and he stopped.

"I am groot." His response surprised me.

"What do you mean? There's no way Rocket could hate you. Why would you think that and why do you think it's your fault we're here?" I asked and he sighed.

"I am Groot. I am groot." He said sitting down.

"Groot that is not a reason for Rocket to hate you. He loves you and you giving him attitude won't change that. Also being on your game didn't trap us in here, Thanos did, it's not your fault." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"I AM groot." I frowned at him.

"He did not, he tried to save you. He couldn't as much as he wanted to and you know that. He did not give up, he's still trying to save you, well us but mostly you. I promise once we get out of here he'll never let you leave his sight even for a second. Then you'll be wishing that you were back here. You want to know why?" I asked him and he gave me a questioning look.

"I am GROOT?" He is really blaming himself.

"Not because you're in trouble or he doesn't want you to mess up, because he loves you. Groot if he didn't love you do you think he would've raised you? Don't you think he would've left you?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I am groot." He mumbled.

"You guess not? Come on if Rocket doesn't like you, you would know it. Everyone here knows he loves you except you. Don't lose faith, he's still fighting for you." I said and he smiled proudly.

"I am groot?" I nodded and got up to give him space. I walked away thinking and my spidey senses went off again, Wanda picked me up so I was in the air.

"Wanda leave me alone, put me down!" I shouted and she shook her head. Why the hell was she bothering me again? Can't she just put me down and leave me alone?

"Not until we come to an understanding." She said and started to walk, keeping me in the air. She walked where Peter and Gamora were. Why are they here?

"Wanda I don't think you had to do that to get him over here." Gamora said and I shouted,

"Thank you!" Wanda then dropped me.

"Ow." I said getting up, was the drop really necessary?

"Now Peter, let's take a walk. These two won't be too helpful." She said and as we were walking away we heard two Hey's! We giggled and she put her arm around me.

"Now Pete. What's on your mind?" She asked in a soft tone.

"I'm fine Gamora, I don't need to talk about my feelings or thoughts." I lied, she looked unimpressed, she knew my tells already.

"Okay maybe you don't, but I still want to hear them. Either Wanda goes through your mind again, or you just tell me." She said and sighed in defeat. Although I'm sure Wanda will go through my mind anyways, if I can keep her out I will.

"Okay fine. I've been having these thoughts that have really been affecting me. They're stupid thoughts that I know I shouldn't believe but after hearing them for so long with no one to prove them wrong, I can't help but believe in them." I said and she nodded.

"Peter, you don't have to tell me your exact thoughts or anything. But tell me how you're feeling." She said and I thought about it for a second. Should I lie or be honest for once? She knows when I'm lying and Wanda will tell her, might as well just tell her.

"Mad, frustrated, sad, hopeless, helpess, worthless..." I said stopping at the last one, why did I admit to that? While I was questioning that, she hugged me.

"Peter trust me, you're not anything close to worthless or helpless. You just helped Groot, something me and Quill have tried to do but can't ever really do. You're always helping people here, it was you who helped people find their families when we got here. You brought me to Quill, and helped Mantis and Drax find Groot. I also heard you're the one who almost beat Thanos with your plan." She said and I shrugged. Who cares what does that do for me or anyone else in here? We're still here aren't we?

"Sure but what does it matter now." I voiced a little annoyed and she shook her head.

"This isn't going to work. But I know what will." She said leaving me confused.

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