(Y/n) raised a brow at this.

(Y/n): You know if I had to choose someone who could knock me out. It would be Akame.

???: You tryna say we can't beat you?

From the dining room Leones voice could be heard. Chelsea and Mine were there with her.

(Y/n): No no its not that its just..

He looked over at Tatsumi for help but he wasn't there anymore.

(Y/n): Oh boy..

After being chased around by Leone for what seemed hours (Y/n) finally managed to get her to stop.

Leone: So you need one of us to go with you? To make sure you don't get "entranced" or something?

He nodded and waited for a reply only no one seemed to be interested.

(Y/n): Oh.. Well thats fine. If I couldn't handle this on my own then I shouldn't be apart of Nightraid in the first place. Sorry to bother you all!!

They all scratched the back of their heads in guilt.

Chelsea: I'll do it!

She quickly rose from her seat. Knocking it over. But before (Y/n) could thank her another voice spoke.

Akame: I'll go incase you do managed to get entranced. Chelsea won't be able to keep up with you in close quarters.

Chelsea scoffed at this but she couldn't argue that she wasn't wrong.

Chelsea: You're.. Right..

Its decided then all of them would leave at noon.

Timeee skippp

(Y/n): Ahhh.. This is much better than the little lake outside.. So refreshing..

He was sitting at the co-ed hotspring that was inside their base. After awhile Lubbock seemed to enter the hotspring and sat on the opposite side.

(Y/n): Hey Lubbock.

He waved at him but remained quiet. After sometime he decided to speak.

Lubbock: So (Y/n).. can I ask you something?

(Y/n) simply nodded. His eyes were closed and his hands under the water as if he were meditating.

Lubbock: If you could get with anyone here who would it be?

(Y/n) just sat there. The question.. bothered him somewhat.

(Y/n): What do you mean??

Lubbock scratched the back of his head.

Lubbock: Well I mean like hook up with. You know..

(Y/n) opened one eye to look at him.

(Y/n): As of right now. No one.. Dude I literally lost someone more important to me than my own life. I don't think i'll ever be able to "hook" up with anyone else..

He seemed taken aback by the answer and seemed a little sadden.

Lubbock: Not even if someone here told you they might have a tenee tiny thing for you..?

(Y/n): No.. well.. I don't know. But no one here likes me the way Sk-..

He let out a deep sigh. He had re closed his opened eyes and now he opened both of them only to find that Lubbock wasn't there anymore.

(Y/n): What the..?

When he turned to his right and saw Chelsea both her hands under the water. She was looking down at the water avoiding eye contact. There was red tint on her face.

Akame Ga Kill x Male Reader (On Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now