Part Eight

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A/N - so I've been really into reading fanfic recently and today I actually have time to update so this is the second chapter being published today! I hope you enjoy it :) I'm kind of making it up as I go so I'm sorry if it suddenly changes direction!

I don't really know what I was expecting when I entered the room.

Oikawa was sitting at a desk tucked right into the corner.

"Yo! Gimme 5 minutes, just making a few revisions to the sketch"

I nodded over at him cautiously, slowly making my way over to the same armchair I had claimed the previous day.

I looked all over the room, searching. I don't even know what for but it was bothering me what the receptionist had said.

Oikawa seemed to notice as he'd started making his way over to me with an inquisitive look on his face.

"What's wrong? I don't have any dead bodies hidden in here...I keep those out the back" he joked.

"Hmmmm" I eyed him suspiciously. I may as well ask, I won't know else. So I asked him about what the receptionist had said.

I noticed his features darken for a second before he broke into a broad smile and laughed it off.

"Haha, she just likes to joke. You know, being this handsome isn't easy when you have to fight off your clients trying to make a move on you"

He thought he'd got away with it but obviously he's forgotten that I was particularly good at reading him. Not all of the time but if he ever slipped up slightly, like just now, I would pick up on it when no one else would.

I narrowed my eyes at him but didn't dig any further, reminding myself I am only here for the tattoo, I have no interest in him whatsoever.

He sat opposite me and placed a piece of paper down on the table between us. He then pouted, seemingly unhappy with the space between us as he moved his chair round to be directly next to mine. Not going to lie, I felt a bit uncomfortable but I'm not sure if that was down to me not wanting the closeness or nerves.

He leaned closer to me and smiled innocently.

"So, Iwachan, here's the final product"

I looked at the sketch, feeling extremely self conscience that he was only looking at me. Very intently.

It was amazing. I couldn't wait to get started. But I sure as hell wasnt going to let him know that.

"Yeah, looks good"

"Great enthusiasm as ever, I see" I could see him sulking slightly out of the corner of my eye.

I sat back in my chair. "Can we get this started today? I want to get this over with as soon as possible"

His expression changed to one that was unreadable. It was times like these that I didn't know what was going through his head and that made me nervous.

He stuck out his bottom lip as he folded his arms.

"So cold, Iwachan. We can get started, head over to the chair in the middle and I'll start prepping you."

I heading across to the black leather chair, it reminded me of going to the dentist.

Oikawa sat in the chair next to me, facing my left arm, after he had pulled a cart across with him with all the necessary equipment.

I watched as he got himself prepared. He was concentrating. It always captivated me when I caught him lost in his own thoughts, I could watch for hours.

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