The bush

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As days go by the roots started to get fatter and longer and the crumb started to pop out of the ground, but not as a crumb, A BUSH! Never in his whole crumby life would he think he would turn into a bush!
The crumb I mean Bush started to meet new friends too! The first couple days he met three different worms, Terry, Ferry, and Garry. They still stop by every once in a while, but don't say much. The bush can't even tell if it's the same three worms anymore, they all look the same!

  Anyway ,the bush was very happy were he lived. But the only disconception was that he could not move. If a dog came to pee on him, he couldn't move. If the loppers came to give him a trim, he couldn't move. You get the point. HE COULD NOT MOVE!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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