Chapter 4: Moxi, may peace follow you in life

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Moxi hasted home in the evening.

I was leaning against the divan as I gave him a glance and continued to read my book. He stood in the doorway for a moment before cautiously coming in. He sat down on the edge of the divan, deliberated, and then said, "I heard soldiers came today."



I threw the book to the side, sat up, and looked him square in the eyes. "What do you want to ask me?"

He opened his mouth but did not manage any word.

"It was I who beat those soldiers off," I told him. "Shi Qianqian was also chased away by me."

He looked at me for a moment, and then actually smiled a rather helpless smile.

I raised an eyebrow and said, "What? So you want to marry the general's daughter? Oh, I was wrong then; I've ruined your marriage. If it makes you this sad, I'll go look for the girl and bring her back. She seems smitten with you." I walked out the moment I finished speaking.

He pulled me back, his face slightly blushing. "Sansheng, you know that wasn't what I meant. I'm actually very happy that you... that you would be so jealous because of me. It's just that..."

"It's just what?"

"The soldiers said that you're a demon. They intend to invite the Imperial Reverend here to exorcise evil tomorrow."

"The Imperial Reverend?" I recalled seeing that stern face yesterday in the alley.

Moxi frowningly nodded. "Sansheng, do you need to hide?"

"Hide?" I asked quizzically. "Why should I hide? I'm not a demon." But seeing Moxi's worried expression, I suddenly understood. "Moxi, have you always thought of me as a demon? Do you want me to hide because you're afraid that the Imperial Reverend would uncover my 'demonic' identity?"

Moxi frowned.

I nodded my head and muttered to myself: "I guess it's to be expected. I've lived with you for so many years yet my appearance hasn't changed a whit. When I wanted fire, I would make fire; when I wanted wind, I would make wind. It makes sense that you'd think of me as a demon. Right now, you must be afraid of me?"

After listening to my words, a sudden change came over Moxi's face: a rare trace of anger. "Why should I be afraid of you?! So what if you're a demon? I only know that my Sansheng has never harmed me. I'm not a heartless person. I know exactly how each person in this world treats me! Not to mention, you're not an evil demon at all, and even if you are, I've already loved you and will love you for the rest of my life!"

The word 'love' made me happy inside. My mouth could not help curling into a smile.

Moxi had always been mild-tempered. Needless to say, he was especially gentle toward me. I rarely saw him so riled up that I found his present display rather strange. "Then what are you afraid of?"

His face stiffened. My laying bare his thoughts had slightly discomfited him. He was silent for a moment, and then he sighed. "Sansheng, I'm afraid you'll be harassed."

I was amused after I heard him. "Do you remember Fatty Wang's backyard?"

He glanced at me: "Not even a blade of grass was left."

I nodded in satisfaction. "It's fine to be bullied as long as I can bully them back. Your wife can swallow anything except for abuse. You have nothing to worry about."

Cheered up by my quip, Moxi did not say anything more.

In the evening when we went to wash up, I saw a small hole in his sleeve. I asked in surprise, "What happened?"

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