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Winter's POV

I looked at myself in the mirror and I observed my gymnast suit. I observed how my butt was on the display for everyone even though it served its purpose. When I first started doing staunts, I felt a bit exposed and uncomfortable when I looked at the mirror sometimes before the show, maybe because I'm nervous. I was used to walking in my gymnast suit now.

Winter! Winter!  The crowd called my name as I began to make my way to the gymnasium where everyone could see me. My manager,A.K.A; my mum gave me an encouraging smile as she squeezed my arm lightly.

You can do this; you done this multiple times before and you'll do again. You're the best, nothing less; I told myself as I observed the parallel bars in front of me as I dusted my hands with the powder. My heart was pounding like it was going explode anytime from now. I could hear the whole stadium cheering my name. I know I'm not meant to feel nervous about it because it's not my first time but I had no clue why I did.

I threw my hands on it and started swinging
round the parallel bars then I  stopped swinging so that I held myself up to do a hand stand on the object. I lifted a hand up and started twisting myself around the object. I ignored the cheering and kept on doing it. Soon, I started swinging again, ready to back flip off the object. And I did, I was done.

   I didn't notice that my eyes were closed until I opened them. My gaze first travelled to the host "And that's the one and only; Winter Berlin!" he said as he and his colleague stood up clapping.

"Whoa..." a small gasp escaped my mouth as I turned around to see everyone standing and cheering "BERLIN! BERLIN! BERLIN!". I could make out my dad's #No.1 Winter T-shirt he wore. My dad was my number biggest fan. He really went over board with this whole 'staunts thing'. There was a time when he made copies of his T-shirt and was selling it to the audience. I chuckled at the thought of it. He actually made it. What would I do without you?  He gave me an imaginary air kiss which I caught and planted on my cheek.
I also got a glimpse of my friend; Kendra. Her straight blonde hair hung loosely around her neck, bouncing as she jumped while clapping whereas, my brown hair was packed in a pony tail.

I had been practicing these taunts and gymnastics right from my childhood. I had always been interested in it since I was 5 years old but at that time, I didn't get a chance to practice until one-day, the owner of the gymnasium saw me trying to practice what I had seen on YouTube.  He said I was a star and he signed me up. Little did I know it was a start of something big................

(: I hope u guys enjoyed it!  This is my first book and I'm really excited about it:)

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