New In Town(Matthew Espinosa Fanfic)

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Chapter 1


Matthew's POV

It's my first day attending Blue-ridge High and I am not excited. At my last school everyone thought I was a total player. That's why I had no friends except for Maddy, but she was bad news and just wanted me for attention. Hopefully nobody knows anyone from my old school or this year is just going to be bad news.

Kenzie's POV

I woke up to my alarm clock playing "Life of the Party" by Shawn Mendes and the smell of waffles. Today was my first day of my senior year of high school, boy was I ready to get out of there. I mean I'm not a huge fan of school in the first place but when all of your group of friends are in a relationship, it makes everything so much worse.

After I pulled my self out of bed I checked the time and it was 6:30. I walked into my bathroom and turned on the shower. When I got out i threw my hair up into a towel and washed my face. Once my hair was dry I straightened it and applied some concealer and mascara. I changed into my outfit which consisted of high-wasted shorts and a crop top. Then, I walked downstairs to eat some breakfast, which smelled absolutely amazing!

Matt's POV

I got into my first period which was Literature and sat down. After putting all my stuff down I looked at the doorway to find the most beautiful girl I had ever met. Right then I knew this year would be a great year. I blinked a few times and realized that she sat down next to me... SCORE! I only had one goal this year... to make her mine.

Kenzie's POV

As I walked into class i looked around the room to see if any of my friends had first hour literature, I guess not. while looking around I realized this guy with brown eyes and light brown hair staring at me... probably just another player I thought to myself. Of course with my luck the only seat left was next to him. Well this is just wonderful, I thought as the teacher started to write down the seats for the rest of the year.

Once I got home, my mom called me down to the kitchen. "What mom?" i asked once in the kitchen. "You need to come meet our nieghbors." "why?" I groaned. "Come on Kenzie be poliet." And then I was standing with my family at our new neighbor's door. 'knock, knock, knock' The door opened I stood face to face with the last person I expected to see... Matthew.

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