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SaraLanceTheAssassin: Zari

Zari: What?

SaraLanceTheAssassin: Always you will be part of me.

Zari: Thanks, Gurl! :)

SaraLanceTheAssassin: And I will forever feel your strength. When I need it most.

Zari: Coolzzz.

SaraLanceTheAssassin: You're gone now, gone but not forgotten.

Zari: What do you mean I'm right here?

SaraLanceTheAssassin: I can't say this to your face. But I know you hear.

Zari: ...

SaraLanceTheAssassin: I'll see you again. You never really left.

Zari: That's because I never really did...

SaraLanceTheAssassin: I feel you walk beside me. I know I'll see you again

Zari: When I'm lost, I'm missing you like crazy
And I tell myself I'm so blessed
To have had you in my life, my life

SaraLanceTheAssassin: How did you know what I was going to say?

Zari: Um...Because it's the lyrics to "I'll see you again," Duh...

SaraLanceTheAssassin: How did you know I was trying to lyric prank you?

Zari: Wally told me.

SaraLanceTheAssassin: Hi sorry you've reached Sara's voice mail. I am currently walking over to a speedsters room to beat the shot outta them. If you would like to leave a message wait for the beep.

*5 minutes later*

Zari: Where's the beep?

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