Random Chat

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"Random Chat is a scary story about a teenage boy who chats with a strange girl over the internet. It is based on a Korean horror comic."

One night, a boy was sitting in his bedroom, reading scary stories on the internet. His parents had gone out for the evening and he had the apartment to himself.
After a while, he got bored and started looking around for something to do. He decided to download a random chat app and installed it on his phone.
This is a transcript of his chat:
*** You are now chatting with a random stranger ***

*** Say Hi! ***

You: Hi

Stranger: Hey. Tell me about yourself.

You: 16 male

Stranger: I'm 15 female

You: Are you sure you're really a girl? HAHA.

Stranger: Of course. LOL. Where do you live?

You: HAHA But... Can I really trust you?
You: I just got fooled by a guy a minute ago LOL

Stranger: Well... if you can't trust me, then just leave the chat...

You: No... It's not that I don't trust you LOL

Stranger: Well it sounds like ur calling me a liar

You: No I'm not.
You: I just want to be sure you're not a guy.

Stranger: HAHA Want me to prove it to you?

You: Yeah, sure... How?

Stranger: Just a sec...
Stranger: I'll send u a pic

You: Wow!

Stranger: Believe me now?

You: Damn! You're hot!

Stranger: Thanks LOL

You: OK, You wanted to know where I live.
You: Oregon.

Stranger: Wow! Seriously?
Stranger: Me too.

You: Really? What city?
You: I'm in Portland

Stranger: Me too.

You: What a coincidence. LOL
You: We could be neighbors.

Stranger: Freaky LOL

You: So... We live so close...
You: Why don't you just come over to my place and we can talk in person?

Stranger: Dream on. LOL

You: Well, anyway, I was just kidding HAHA

Stranger: Maybe I will come over.
Stranger: What would we do?

You: I'll think of something.

Stranger: I'm sure you will. LOL

You: So are you coming over or not?

Stranger: Tell me the address.

You: Apartment 604, Worthington Apartments, Mulberry Road.

Stranger: I'm leaving right now.
Stranger: See u in a while.

You: Cool

*** 30 minutes later ***

You: So are you on your way?

Stranger: I'm already here.

You: Where?

Stranger: Here with you.

You: Huh?

Stranger: Want me to prove it to you?

You: Is this some sort of joke?
You: How did you get a picture of me?

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