Chapter 1

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It start! It start!

Oh my god I still don't believe that I already wrote this story!!

I don't know what to say, but I'm soooo happy

Hope you enjoyy!!


Third pov

What a bright day to start an activity. Some people still enjoy their morning and some start to do their activities.

Just as a certain red head who is frantic because she'll be late, yes late on her first day of school, or you can say a few days after the new school year begins.

Maybe you're wondering why, well it's because of her illness, yes she has a disorder of the respiratory tract.

Luckily she is not alone in this cruel world. Currently she lives with her brother, her twin brother actually.

Their parents died in a car accident while on a business trip when they were 6 years old, a fairly young age, they were lucky to still have a grandmother to take care them with affection to replace their parents.

But their grandmother had also left them three years ago because of old age.

Riku pov

"Waaahhh I'm late, I'm late," I yelled in panic. Right now I'm in a hurry getting ready to go to school, "Why should I wake up late today from so many days!?".

Usually I wake up earlier than Tenn-nii, 'ugh ... Baka Tenn-nii, why he didn't wake me this morning?!'

Huh, there's no point blame him, I'd better get off before I'm late. Ah shit, because getting up late I missed the bus to school

"It seems like there is no other choice"

I took out my skateboard and drove it to go to school. 'He would be worried if knew I was use my skateboard to go to school' I thought. I imagined my brother's annoyed and worried face.

'Hmpf, but it's also his fault for did not wake me this morning', I thought annoyed.

He's a good brother really, but sometimes he can be very fussy and overprotective if it's about me, I know I have a weak body, but sometimes his siscon attitude is really over the limit.

I drove my skateboard at full speed and sometimes looked around, afraid that I might get lost while remembering the way I was going.

Ah, I do not seem to get lost, I can see the school gate from here. "Yosh, school is near, look like I will not be late."


Wait.... From the distance I can see the gatekeeper want to CLOSE the gate. '!!!' Of course it freaked me out and I rushed off the sketboard and ran as fast as I could to school.

"Wait for me ..." It seems that my shouting startled him because he paused for a while, I took advantage of it by running faster and finally got through the school gate.

I sigh in relief "SAFE!!"and unknowingly I yelled and raised my fist, feeling being watched, I looked around and noticed that the gatekeeper and some of the students who were still around the schoolyard looked at me with both amused and bewildered eyes.

Of course it surprised me and make me embarrassed, I gave an apologetic smile to the gatekeeper and smiled shyly at the other students and slightly nodded my head.

I turned hastily to get away from this situation 'Uaaahh ...really embarrassing>.<', and that's when my eyes are directed to a group of students with 6 boy who are still watching me.

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