Chapter 13 ~ Cheater?

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You:Like I'm going to believe that...

Joel:I promise you y/n i wouldn't lie to you.


Joel:Alright... I'll be back

- He leaves and you scroffed and went to go shower and later came out and Joel was in the room with Chris and Nichole

Joel:Yell her

Chris:Y/n He is telling you the truth! I send him because we didn't have nothing and since he said he was close then we let it to him

Nichole:And Kim confessed to him, but she didn't know y'all was a thing.. and she kkissed him and he told her he didn't want anything with her and she still refused


Joel:Now you believe me?


Chris:He is telling you the truth, now I have to go i left my kids alone

Nichole:I have to go as well


-They leave and you just looked at Joel and He goes up to you and smashes his lips into your and pulls you in close, his hands begin to explore around your body and whispered in your ear
Joel:You and I will have fun tonight!
He continued, and he lays you down on the bed and y'all just made out, you didn't care anymore.. but make up sex? Is that how it's going to be?

You:Wait Joel!..

Joel:What's wrong?

You:Nothing.. I don't feel well..

Joel:What do you feel?

You:Idk!.. I feel like im sick.. Idk it's hard to explain

Joel:Lets take you to the hospital

You:Its fine.. I just want to rest

- You go changed and came back out and Joel was laying down and you laid down with him and fell asleep

(Sorry for teasing😭😂)

-next morning, you wake up and you had to work today. You tried to get up but Joel's hand snaked around your waist and pulled you down closer to him and didn't let you go!

You:I have to work today!..

Joel:Call it off, I have a day off

You:No, now stop your hurting my belly


- He lets go as he says sorry, you went did your morning routine and changed after you changed you put your hair in a low pony tail and you grabbed your things and left Joel sleeping, you stop by somewhere to get some breakfast and ate, after you finished you head to work, you saw Kim but then looked away, you parked your car and got out and Nichole came up to talk to you

Nichole:Aye bitch, let's go clubbing

You:Joel wont let me

Nichole:Ask him

You:Idk... I'll see if not we couldn't just hang out at my place

Nichole:Oh yeah you got a house

You:Yeah, but Joel might be there.. he had a day off today ..

Nichole:Alright, but ask him

You:I will, now lets go check in

-Kim stared at you wanting to say hello but you quickly walked away... you checked in and begin to work, 3 hours past and Kim started to walk towards you and then your boss came out and called you and you went over

Boss:y/n come

You:Ok! *You walked towards him and y'all went to his office*

Boss:So your parents and boyfriend told me you was pregnant


Boss:You could of told me.. I'm over here making you carry heavy things

You:Its fine..

Boss:Ok, but please take a rest ok.. I want you to come to work twice a week and work only 3 hours

You:But that's very little tim-

Boss:Don't worry ok, go home and take care of the baby

You:Ok.. and thank you..

Boss:No problem


Boss:Bye y/n

- You left and saw Kim at the cashier and she looked at you and you turned quickly and checked out and got in your car and head home... You got home and got all your things and went in, you go up and showered and you had a thong on with a bra.. Joel comes in and just stared

You:Take a picture, it'll last longer.


- He took out his phone and actually did it and then hugs you from and something admittedly poked you

You:I'm not in the mood!

Joel:Come, I haven't been in you since forever

You:What about Kim and Selena

Joel:No. I just want you


- He pulls your thong down and takes you over to your bed pushes you down on the bed and he gets low and his face got closer to your vagina...

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I want to know how Old are y'all? And when is yalls birthday☺🤔🤔

Pregnant By The Mafia [Joel Pimentel]✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat