The Girl with Blue hair

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"Mother" grinned widely at the mention of her.

"Mother": Ohh yessss she tends to let out the best screams ever. I love it when she begs for death. It makes me want to torture her more and moreeeee.

She hugged herself sadistically while having a full on grin from cheek to cheek.

I think of how hurt, scared and betrayed Sky was. I couldn't help but feel like throwing up after seeing those bodies.. but I shook it off.

I went back to my room and retreived my favorite teddy. I took out a knife I had concealed in my room. Assasins.. I was always addicted to that. I trained all my life to become one.. Well as much as a Kid like could have.  I knew it would dissappoint Mother and Father. But then again they weren't my parents anymore now which gave me a lot more to think about. I hid the knife inside the teddy and held it close to my chest and walked back to my "Parents" room. I opened the door the both of them turning around in surprise.

(Y/n): I.. I had a bad dream.. a.. a monster came and hurt Mommy and Papa.. So.. So I wanna be here to make sure nothing happens..

They both looked at me with fake smiles. She pat the bed saying "Oh come here honey" I climbed the bed and she put me close to her chest.

Mother: Its gonna be okay. We'll protect you.

Ricardo laid on the other side and smiled at me warmly. He then dozed off to sleep and so did Mother. I laid there for what felt like hours and began my move. I slowly took out the knife from inside my teddy bear.

I sat up and looked at Ricardo. All my life. All my damn life was a lie. These weren't my parents they were corrupt fucks who would be put in their place.

I stabbed him in the throat. He opened his eyes in shock not being able to make a sound but only let out a gurgle here and there. I plunged the knife deeper into his throat killing him.

Mother stirred she felt something wet on her face and when she awoke she quickly turned the lamp on only to see Ricardo with his throat cut open.

Mother: Wh... WHA-

I had went behind her when she had stirred in the bed and put one hand over her mouth.

(Y/n): Where are the keys.. To Sky's cell.

I wasn't really asking I was demanding the location of the keys. I could feel her shaking  and sweating. She pointed to the drawer. I looked over at it and removed my hand from her mouth slowly. She didn't turn around.

(Y/n): The monster in the dream.. Was me..

She quickly went for the door but I quickly plunged the knife into her back and back out causing her to fall onto the floor.

(Y/n): Know what it feels like to be "toyed" with..

Bit by bit he cut her fingers off and nose then ears. He tortured her brutally. Kinda fucked up for a 10yr old. But hey she did this all her life.

I went to get the keys and began my way towards the girl. I didn't care about the red liquid that managed to land on me. All I wanted was to help her and get out of here. I reached her and stood infront of the bars. She looked at me only to see me covered in blood.

Sky: Wh.. what are you going to do to me!? I.. i'll kill you!!

She tried to stand up but being weak from being starved and tortured she couldn't do a thing. I opened the cellar door and approached her, she was terrified but was surprised when I hugged her and caressed her hair gently.

(Y/n): We're getting out of here.. For good..

She blinked multiple times and cried. She would finally be set free from this hell hole thanks to him.

Akame Ga Kill x Male Reader (On Hiatus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora