i began counting everything i had on, my shirt, bra, shorts, thong, socks, slippers, and jacket, totaling seven items. we decided not to count small things like earrings, sam came up two short so she put on a jacket and extra pair of shorts.

the boys disband and came back wearing the most ridiculous and extra things they could find. slash wearing socks, a pair of my kitty slippers, his black shorts, gray sweatpants, boxers, and his top hat. steven wore a pair of sams black knee high socks, gray shorts, a gray cut off shirt, duffs cowboy boots, axls leather jacket, boxers. izzy wore his own clothes, dark blue shorts, white tank top, boxers, black jacket, socks, and a pair of his nice brown shoes. duff wore black shorts, long sleeved ac/dc shirt, van halen sweater, blue sweatpants, his boxers, his cowboy hat, and cowboy boots. axl came and sat next to me wearing black leather pants, boxers, a white t-shirt, red and white flannel, jean jacket, slash's black shorts and socks.

we all sat in our circle and i shuffled the cards while small conversation was muttered along the table. "texas hold'em?" i questioned as i began dealing out cards, everyone nodded and we began our game. it was slow at first but we caught on quickly. slash was the first to win and he turned to sam.

"sam, take it off." he smirked at her and she shrugged as she slowly removed her jacket. next winner was axl. he demanded i remove something so i took off my slippers.

after an hour and a half of playing we established who was out. duff had been the first one out, somewhat an east target. izzy was next then it was steven leaving sam, slash, axl and i left. slash was wearing his boxers and top hat, sam in her t-shirt and thong, she had taken her bra off in an earlier round. axl was wearing his white boxer briefs, i was left in my bra and thong.

we all watched each other intently, the three boys who were our were wrapped in their blankets from their beds. i looked down at my hand and internally admired the full house i had. i kept a straight and emotionless face as i looked at the three people around me. i put my kitty slippers ontop of the pile of belongs in the middle to raise my bettings. i saw sam give me a frustrated look and throw her cards down.

"i fold." she shrugged and leaned back. slash joining her as he dropped his cards on the table. i bit my lip softly as i looked over at axl who was eyeing me.

"honey, you better not shower because i'm about to flush." he smirked pridefully and me and i laughed softly and shook my head knowing i had the upper hand in the game. he reached his arms out for the pile and i stopped him as he looked up.

"you may get booted out because i have a full house." i smirked over at him and his jaw dropped. i laughed softly and gathered the winnings from the center and eyed axl.

"lose your boxers." i smirked over at him, axls laugh was dark, he nodded at me and stood up removing his boxers and tossing them over to me. his confidence level was quite high and i didn't know if that was due to the fact that he was just being axl or if he was out of his mind drunk. perhaps both.

axl sat back down next to me and i tried to keep my eyes from looking down at him, to occupy my mind we started a new round. i dealt out the new cards and felt axls hand graze along my inner thigh, i tried to ignore the sensation as we went on playing the game at hand. slash won this time. he looked up and me and smirked.

"heather, lose something." he smirked at me and i looked down at what i was wearing, either article i lost would reveal me so i thought for a moment before unclipping my bra and handing it to slash. i saw something change in him, he was no longer holding a grudge upon me.

i crossed my arms across my chest and looked down a bit to avoid slash's stares. "come on heather, deal the next game." axl said as he poked my side, i rolled my eyes and removed my arms from my bare chest and dealt out the new hand to be played, slash's bottom lip caught between his teeth as he examined my body. after a minute i ignored the fact that i was bare and sam won the round. she looked at slash and smiled.

"lose something, sweetheart." sam smirked at slash and his jaw dropped he reached for the hem of his boxers and smirked at us before taking his hat off and tossing it to sam.

"strip tease." i muttered with a smirk, intentionally being loud enough for slash to hear. he shook his head and i dealt out the next round of cards, sam had definitely played smart as she still had a shirt on. i won the round and sam ended up being left in her shirt as she handed me her thong. we were all even at the same amount of clothing left.

the second to last hand being dealt, all of us hoping ourselves would win. we all played in silence as the boys watched intently, axl still sitting naked next to me as he rested his shin on my shoulder and peered at my hand.

my eyes met slash's as we stared at each other, i ran a hand through my hair as i put my pillow onto the table to raise, sam folded and slash looked at me and i smirked.

"i've got a straight flush." i smirked at him as i laid down my cards and his expression faltered, his eyes skimming his cards before laying them all out.

"your royal flush." he spoke cockily and ran a hand through his wild hair, my jaw dropped and i placed a hand over my mouth in disbelief. slash held out his right hand and smirked at me.

"lose the thong." he spoke darkly, i shook my head and removed my last piece of clothing and placed my thong in his hand, he placed it on his lap and looked at sam who seemed a bit scared. "last game."

i dealt out the cards to the last two and slash shook his head as he rummaged through his cards. sam wearing a grin on her face as she put all the clothes she collected onto the table, "all in." she smirked and slash let out a soft laugh and shook his head.

"i fold." he dropped his cards and watched as sam laid down a simple pair. slash shook his head in disbelief, "i had a fuckin straight. i could've won." he laughed, "well played, samantha." he nodded and removed his boxers and handed them to her.

i looked around at the naked boys around me and laughed to myself. steven, duff and izzy wrapped in their blankets, axl and slash confidently out, my clothes no where to be seen and sam still wearing her shirt.

i looked over at the clock and couldn't believe the time. it was five-thirty four in the morning. i let out a soft yawn which caused a series of others to follow behind it. i wrapped myself in my blanket and leaned back, unintentionally falling into axls arms. i smiled softly as i found comfort then felt something pressing on my low back against the blanket. my eyes widened and i sat up quickly and walked into the kitchen as i paced slowly running my thoughts through my head. within a minute i gathered myself and took a deep breath before walking out and smirking at slash who was leaned up against the chair. our eyes met as i looked down at him, a smirk playing across my face as he cocked an eyebrow at me. i bit my lip softly and nodded my head toward his bedroom and a grin played across his face as he stood up, i held my hand in front of my chest, my palm facing him as i discretely motioned for him to wait.

i quickly slipped into his room, going unnoticed. seconds later i heard the doorknob turn and say the silhouette of slash's wild hair surrounding his face, he closed the door behind him and inched closer to me. his hand running through my hair as his thumb grazed my lips.

heat of the moment. // slash Where stories live. Discover now