Chapter 1 ~ Never Look Back

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"Come back here!" Will said as he chased Bill. Bill and Will were in their room cosplaying as characters from Adventure Time. "You'll never take me alive!" Bill said running across the wall and summersaulting onto the floor. Will walked over and slightly put his foot on Bill's back. "Caught ya.." Will said laughing. They both laughed and laid on their beds. "This was fun.." Will said. "Yeah, but we should clean up before Mom and Dad gets home.. You know how much they hate messes." Bill said taking his costume off. Just then a car pulled up in the driveway. "It's them!" They both said rushing to hide the costumes in the closet. Their parent's got out of the car and walked in. Their Dad, Mr. Cipher, walked in with a beer. (As usual.) and their mom, Mrs. Cipher, walked in with a hand full of cash. Will and Bill peeked out of their bedroom and realized they left a wooden sword out on the couch. "Aw... we're screwed.." Bill whispered. "BILL AND WILL CIPHER!" Their mom yelled taking her belt off. The twins walked out with their heads down. "Y-yes..?" Will said tearing up. "Where, did this wooden sword come from?" Their mother asked tilting their heads up. "Um.. I-" Will said but was cut off by Bill. "I left it out while you guys left.. I know you said to clean up and I forgot.." Bill said. Their mother grabbed Bill's arm and the three, The mother, The Dad, and Bill, walked into the parents room and slammed the door behind them. Will stood their for a while and heard yelling. Then a pop. Will walked back to his room and closed the curtains. He laid in the bed waiting for Bill to come walk back in.

In the middle of the night, Bill sneaked over to Will's bed and started shaking him. Will woke up rubbing his eyes. "W-what?" Will said sitting up. "We're leaving." Bill said with a suitcase packed. "Leaving..? Where..?" Will said grabbing his suitcase. Bill stopped him. "Not that suitcase, your emergency suitcase.." Bill said grabbing his arm. "We're running away from home." Bill said slowly opening the bedroom door and looking to see if their parents were still awake. "But-" Will said. Bill placed his finger over his mouth. "We leave now or suffer forever." Bill said. Will grabbed his suitcase and the two tiptoed out into the hallway and out the door, not leaving a single trace.

The two walked for hours to the bus station to see when's the next bus leaving. "Where a-are we gonna go..?" Will said still very sleepy. "Wherever this bus takes us, as long as its far away from here." Bill replied. The two waited there for hours eventually falling asleep at each others side. Then a sudden BEEP woke them up. "Last bus Leaving Town! All aboard!" the bus driver said through a speaker. The two got up and rushed on the bus, sitting in the backseat. They were the only ones on the bus. The bus waited for a few minutes then drove off. It eventually drove past a "You are now leaving Town, Hope to see you again!" sign. Bill sighed, "Wherever this bus takes us is where we live from now on, one thing's for sure.. We can never look back.."

The twins woke up to the bus driver hitting the brakes roughly, causing them to hit the seat in front of them. "Zero Gravity Town." The bus driver said, Will looked out the window. "Zero Gravity Town..?" he thought to himself. Bill and Will got off of the bus and stood there for a while. They looked at each other and walked into town square. Everything looked a little worn down. Nobody was on the streets, I mean could you blame them? It's night time.. Bill looked around and spotted a diner. "Look, we could eat there?" Bill said pointing to the diner. Will looked over. "Bill, it's closed.." he said taking a closer look. The two stood in the doorway of the diner. "So," Will started. "Ugh, not this." Bill said rolling his eyes. "What now, man with the plan?" Will said.

Bill grabbed Will's hand and ran into the forest. Eventually the twins came upon an abandoned shack. "We'll stay here. A perfectly stable shack!" Bill said. A piece of the roof fell down in front of them. Bill smiled and Will frowned. "This is a death house!" Will said. "Whaaaatever!" Bill said shoving him to the door. "Open it." Bill said. Will looked at the doorknob. It was covered in dust and cobwebs. "Ew! No! I'm NOT opening that!" Will gagged. "YES! You will! Your idea to run away, YOU open the door." Bill said. "YOU dragged me out of bed! YOU said 'We're running away.' therefore it was YOUR idea in the first place so YOU open it!" Will said turning around. The twins argued for a while, they were cut off by a voice coming from the woods. "What're you doing here? Mere Mortals aren't welcome in this forest." the voice said. The twins hugged each other. "Uh..." Will said. The figure jumped into some bushes and peeked its head out. "Last time Mortals came here.. it wasn't pretty." it said. "Uhh.... SHOW YOURSELF!" Bill said picking up a rock. The figure laughed, "But," it started again. "You two are pretty cool!" The twins looked confused. She stood up. "I am Wendy Corduroy".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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