May 29th 1970

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Peter sure tomorrow was the day when he was going to do it.

He had been preparing everything for this moment to be successful. With the help of Aunt May and his best friend Ned, Peter sure it would turn out to be okay. But everything didn't always go as planned.

It was a really long day for Peter. He hadn't had enough time for himself to go to sleep. Patrols, homeworks, quizzes, and  the time he spent on the team had consumed most of Peter's time for him to get a perfect 8 hours sleep at night. But most of the time was consumed by patrolling around the city. Mrs. Helena had almost caught him dozed off in History class, thanks to Ned who's managed to nudge him before the teacher had fully caught him.

When it was finally the time for him to left the school, Peter could barely able to open his eyes after taking another nap in the library, saying he was going to finish up some papers he hadn't be able to do it for one week and ended up skipping lunch time. After waved goodbye to Ned, he walked to his favorite bakery, ordering the usual while talking to the owner. Not much, mostly about school and stuff.

He kept his order and began to change his outfit in the narrow alley, turning into a Spider-Man. Who said Peter would go to sleep after school despite the drowsiness and headache he slightly began to feel? Nah. He's Spider-Man, the city needed him. But Peter Parker needed to sleep and rest. He swung from buildings to buildings, saying hello to the people who were waiting on the train stations, helping an old lady pointing a direction, webbing up a group of mugger, and able to stop a man from stealing a car. His patrols was just ended at 2 A.M and he got back to his apartment and slipped through his window carefully. May probably had been sleeping right now in her room and Peter wouldn't want to wake her up after the busy day she got.

He drifted himself to sleep at 3.06 A.M after working on his assignments, and setting up an alarm. Tomorrow's a big day, and Peter wanted to specifically make it special to someone.


Peter groaned at the alarm sound. He just wanted to sleep more and slammed the damn alarm clock. He almost forgot about his plan today until he heard Aunt May knocking on his door, then he heard her heels echoing through his entire bedroom. May sat at the edge of Peter's bed, running her hands through Peter's curly hair.

"Hey, wake up. It's the time," she whispered softly and patted his back.

"Five more minutes, May," Peter begging, he was really sleepy and if he could do anything to get his bed time for another hours, he would willingly do that.

May chuckled, rubbing her hands to Peter's body. "No, sleepyhead. You have planned this thing since last week."

Right, the plan! Peter almost forgot, he jumped out of his bed, sat beside May, and rubbing his eyes. The time when he had made sure his vision wasn't blurry anymore, he got up, went to the bathroom. But Peter wasn't feeling really fit today. He could feel his body being burnt, his headache getting more and more bad as if a hammer hit his head many times, he wanted to vomit, and his body trembled. He faced himself in the mirror, splashing water to his face before taking a bath and kept telling himself that he would be okay. It's just for one day, a very important day.

As he got dressed, Peter felt his temperature go high. The headache becoming worst. Peter had to maintain himself from falling to the ground as he stumbled in the living room on his way out. He took anything he needed before going.

"Bye, May," when Peter tried to reach out the door knob, May grabbed his hands, making Peter turned around and facing his aunt. A worried look planted on her face, she put her hands on his forehead.

"Peter, are you sure you are okay?"

Peter nodded with a small smile on his lips. "Yeah, I'm fine," May knew Peter is a terrible liar. One look from her, and Peter would confess every lies he had done to her.

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