Chapter 18: The Peace Treaty

Start from the beginning

         Arosa never liked working with anyone but her sister. She didn't trust neither armies and she was more interested in finding out Era's disappearances and escapes. Arosa was also interested of protecting Mari from any secrets ahead. But knowing about Yuu, made her want to protect him.

Arosa heard someone coming. She quickly jumped out of Era's desk and sat on a couch pretending to read. The door opened. "What are you doing here?" Arka Asked curiously.

Arosa looked at him. "Era told me to stay here,why?"

Arka looked at Arosa. He eyed her for a moment. Then he looked away like he lost interest.

"Nothing....... it's none of your business. Your sister will be at the meeting. So I should keep her in check before she starts yelling,"Arka Said scratching the back of his head.

The Meeting,

      Mari hated meetings. She never really showed it,but she hated them. Most of the soldiers remembered her as a dangerous person.

     Mari was walking with Shinya,Guren and Kureto to the meeting room.

   "This meeting will be intense,"Mari said trying to make them look professional,"You must use your words and actions carefully or else all hell brakes lose on your Army." 

"Don't worry, I'll tell only the great parts of my army. Hopefully Guren you won't fall asleep like the other meetings you attend to,"Kureto smiled to himself.

      "Knowing you, you would want me to fall asleep,"Guren said annoyed looking away.

"Actually I would love it if you did,"Kureto Laughed. 

        "You guys fight to much,"Shinya smiled,"We're head up getting killed."

       Mari closed her eyes. This is gonna go so wrong,she thought to herself. They walked in front of two big doors. Mari knocked on it. It was opened by a tall old man who looked pale. "First Commander, we need to speak to you privately,"He said strongly.

      Mari turned to Guren and Kureto. "Wait here,"Mari said as she went inside.

      The doors closed behind her. The room was huge. There were Flags hanged on the walls. There was mostly old women and men. The only young one was Mari. She sat quietly next to Era. Era turned to Mari. But Mari simply looked away. She was still angry at her.

   "Stand Commander,"Major Sergeant Rin commanded.

Mari stood she put her hand over her heart. "I, Mariela Annalisa swear to tell the truth and only the truth, I will never betray my Army even if it meant death," Mari said looking towards Rin.

"Alright sit down,"Rin Said,"We need to talk about our problems before we let a new army into ours."

Chinese High ranks and Russian High ranks sat at the table. They were all serious and scaring looking.

An old woman stood,"We need to end that war back in China. It's out of control. We lost more soldiers this year than last year. We must do everything we can."

    "That's your country's fault,"a Russian high rank butted in annoyed.

     "The Emperor is getting annoyed with those bloody vampires. So I say,"She looked at Mari,"We bring the First Commander with her soldiers to our land. It's the perfect sol...."

Mari interrupted as she stood,"No, I know what your trying to pull, so no. I'm not gonna risk lives on that stupid war. I want the Emperor to say it himself. Also we have you Russians to help....."

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