Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

I took the delicious smelling cup of coffee out to her. Thankfully she had put out her cigarette so I didn’t have to decide whether I wanted to hold my breath for ages, or choke to death on the smoke. That’s the definition of a good day for me.

Before I could be yelled at – or wish death on her again – I made my way back to my room, and logged onto my facebook account. I was in dire need of a rant. Not a big extravagant one, just a small, subtle one that gets my point across, and lets out some of my annoyance, but without telling everyone my business. Facebook isn’t meant to be everyone’s personal diary, so I don’t treat it like one.

My friends list isn’t all that large anyway, so it’s not like I have a heap of people to complain to me about my status’. A few months ago my friend list consisted of two people, Jaxon and his mum. Now, after hanging out with Jace, it’s up to a whopping fifteen people!

‘Mum is driving me crazy. In desperate need of coffee!’ I posted the status without a single hesitation. If I had enough people on my facebook, I would probably end up procrastinating and reading their pointless posts.

Thankfully my popularity level is in the minuses. Mum didn’t interrupt me for about forty-five minutes. Which is a record. I managed to get most of the essay done when my phone bussed along my desk.

‘Come outside’, the text message read. It was from Jace. I rolled my desk chair over to my window and pulled the curtains aside to actually make sure he was there. The shiny black impala was parked in my driveway and I couldn’t help but grin.

I practically ran past the doorway leading into the living room where the Dragon Lady was. If she saw me, I had no doubt that she would ask me to do something. “Hey,” I grinned once the door was open.

Jace was standing at the bottom of the steps with a large cup of coffee from my favourite coffee shop, and a plastic bag with a bottle of milk in it. “Something told me that you might need these,” he smirked.

“Did it happen to be my facebook that gave you this information?” I plucked the cup from his hand and gave him an appreciative kiss.

“Nope,” he said once we pulled apart. “I’m an extremely talented long distance mind reader. Did you not know that?”

I took a long sip of the delicious coffee before answering. “You must have forgotten to mention that on our first date.”

He chuckled and fixed up his glasses. “All those comic books and superhero worship items in my bedroom should have given you plenty of clues that I have super powers.” He placed the bag with the milk on the ground beside my feet.

“Do you want to come inside? My Mum’s occupied at the moment, so I promise there wont be any fire breathing this time.” Yes I was still embarrassed, but the initial first meeting was already done, so there’s probably not much more that will shock him about her. Plus it would make me feel normal to have my boyfriend in my own home.

He shook his head. “I’d love to, but I can’t. I’m on my lunch break, so I have to get back to work.”

“You used your lunch break to bring me milk and coffee?” I wanted to chastise him for wasting his lunch break on bringing me coffee, but I was too busy being appreciative of how sweet he was.

“Of course,” he said simply. “I’ll eat in the office when I get back to the store. Enjoy your coffee.” He kissed me once more and walked back towards his brother’s car.

“I think I love you,” I blurted out. I’d never told anyone that I loved them before. My Mum, my Dad, and Jax were the exceptions of course. But I was surprised at myself for just blurting it out like that. Normal people just don’t do that kind of thing. The least I could do was wait for a nice romantic moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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