chp.8 the confession

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*7:30 PM
Edd:guys come on,its toss matt in the lake night
Tamara:what is that??
Tord:matt dresses in his favorite outfit and we toss him in a lake and then the fun begins,you'll see
Tamara:oh ok
*at the lake*
Tamara:its a cool night...breezy
Tord:Ok Jehovah's witness.
Matt:wait mg goggle-*gets tossed into the water*
Tamara:*walks by a hill and sits alone*
Tord:guys where's I see her be right back
Tamara:*relaxes on hill*so peaceful out...
Tord:tam,why are you here alone?
Tamara:just wanted to feel the breeze
Tord:heh....*sits next to her*
Tamara:so,why are u sitting with me??I'm not special
Tord:yes you are special and you're pretty cool *mumbles*and hot...
Tamara:the other one u said,what was it??
Tord:oh nothing
Tamara:tord.....I just wanted to say that I like you as a crush and lover because you're really sweet and kind and actually attractive ...CRAP I SAID TOO MUCH!!
Tord:aww tam...I love you because you're cool and hot not pretty but sexeh *Lenny*
Tamara:hehe shut up....
Tord:well wanna go out sometime like on a date or something?
Tamara:of course yeah!!!

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