twentyfive ~ london

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"He wasn't in the bathroom with that bat, I'm telling you." Iris laughs as we wait in line in the cafeteria. 

"You don't know that," I say. She doesn't know if the rumor is true, neither do I, and neither does Lilia or Sophia or anyone. 

"I'm pretty sure she has Russian that period, and Mr. Georgie wouldn't let her get away with missing the whole period. We would've heard her being called to the principal by now." Iris tries to lighten everything. The situation, my mood, everything.  But it won't work. Because the second I admit I love Wyatt and think he loves me back, I get the news that he is in the bathroom with some girl. No, not even "some girl". I get the news he is in the bathroom with the girl that came after me, my replacement. 

"She could say she threw up in the bathroom and went to the nurse to get medicine, I don't know." I'm being a downer as always. I grab the weird prepackaged salad the school cafeteria offers, but also a bag of cookies because I don't know if my broken heart can handle a salad. What am I saying? Broken heart? We didn't even date, he didn't even really like me, I'm fine. 

"She's a stupid bitch who doesn't realize she is a rebound, she wouldn't have thought of some elaborate plan just to suck dick in the boy's room."  Iris finally makes me laugh as we walk to our table.

"Yeah, but her being stupid doesn't change the fact she sucked dick in the boy's room." I sit down next to Sophia, across from Lilia.

"Who sucked dick in the boy's bathroom?" Jaeden says from next to Lilia, his arm around her. I keep thinking of Jaeden as Lilia's boyfriend, not as Wyatt's best friend.

"Sadie apparently." Iris says when I don't open my mouth.

"Damn, she moves on fast." Jaeden laughs, stealing a baby tomato from my salad and popping it in his mouth. Jaeden doesn't know?

"No, it was Wyatt's dick." Iris keeps talking so I don't have to.


"Fourth period." I finally speak.

"Oh that didn't happen, we were having a group meeting fourth period."

"I heard it was during the end of the period." Sophia says, using the facts I texted her earlier.

"Let me rephrase; we were having a group meeting fourth, fifth, and sixth period." Jaeden finally breaks the rumor. It didn't happen. Wyatt didn't go back to Sadie.

"Do you know if he wants to hook up with Sadie again?" Lilia reads my mind.

"He doesn't, not even a little bit. I don't really think he wants to hook up with anyone right now." Jaeden just sits calmly eating his chips, he has no idea what information he is giving. Wyatt misses me just like I miss him.



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