Clint is annoying.

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In short Peter met Thor, Black-Widow, Loki and Hawkeye. To say he was nervous was definitely an understatement but so was saying he was only a little bit excited.

A few months later. December 20th.
3rd P.O.V.

Tony had set up a tree in the common room with Steve. Peter was intensely confused.

"Have you really never celebrated Christmas?" Clint asked.

"No?? But happy early winter solstice." Peter told him.

"Ok then, what exactly is a 'winter solstice'?" Clint bothered him more. Peter gave him a look that said 'it's winter solstice how do you not know these things??'

"Well there's usually like a fire, and people dancing around it and offerings that get thrown into the fire. It's kinda like summer solstice except different prayers and different costume." He tried to explain.

"So it's like a party but religious and not awkward?" Clint guessed.

"I guess?" Peter gave him a questioning look.

"Is there music at this winter solstice?" Clint was annoying.

"Yeah, I mean there's people praying and playing drums and flute and other stuff but it's ceremonial stuff. I was like five the last time I saw someone celebrating it." Peter was still only trying to explain.

"Wait you mentioned prayers is it like a crazy Christian priest prayer-" just Peter looking offended cut Clint off.

"No no it's not like that those guys are crazy. During winter solstice we pray to the gods to the north that we don't all die because the animals will start to get starved and go after whatever they can find."

"Oh... well have you had anyone to celebrate it with?"

"Well last year I celebrated with my friend Wade. He brought friends so it wouldn't be a two person disaster."

"Who's this Wade Person?" Natasha suddenly said, making Peter jump in surprise.

"σκατά! Damnare, you scared me!" He said panicked.

"Did you just say 'shit' in Greek and 'damn' in Latin?" Natasha questioned already knowing the answer, but she was amused.

"Yeah. You scared me sneaking up like that." He admits.

"How many languages do you know?" Clint asked the small child boy.

"Um, all of them I think?" Peter said.

"No way. You're like twelve how did you learn all of them?" Clint asked. Peter got nervous, when he got nervous he scratched his hands, which never left behind much because they healed fast.

"I-I'd rather not say." Peter stuttered.

"Clint, you're an ass, you can't just ask that." Natasha smacked the back of his head.

Natasha then started to speak to Peter in Russian. Peter happily carried on the conversation with her. At the time, Peter was panickedly mixing Greek and Latin together in his speech because he got panicked at something Natasha said.

"Kid, slow down. Calm down first and then you can answer my question. Or you can just calm down, you don't have to answer my question if you don't want to." She told him in English, ruffling his hair.

"What's the question?" Clint asked.

"I-it's just a really-really complicated answer a-and it's hard to talk about." Peter told Natasha.

"I said, what's the question?" Clint repeated himself.

"None of your business, birdbrain." Natasha told Clint.

Natasha had asked peter about the scars on his neck and before that had asked about his last parents. She'd figured him out. She spoke to him in Russian. He spoke back in Russian.

(I'm too lazy to write things in Russian. Use your imagination.)
"It was your old parents wasn't it? The scarring on your neck?"

"Is it that obvious?" He'd ask.

"Not to the untrained eye it's not. They hurt you didn't they? What did they do?" She'd ask another question.

"T-they did experiments on me. I don't r-really want to talk about it."

"Did it hurt?"

"...worse than a grenade to the face..." He mumbled.

"How would you know what that feels like?" In a confused tone.

"Uh, it's a long story?" He tried. It really wasn't but it would involve saying he's Spiderman.

"So, Clint is an ass, but I'm curious, where did you live before you came here?"

"I lived in Queens, but the 'bad neighborhoods' though my mom always wanted to bring me someplace else where we'd be safer."

"You never told me about her, what was she like?"

"She was amazing. She was beautiful and smart and she was great with weapons too. She taught me all sorts of things. She only spoke Latin because she said someone erased her memory of any other languages. She liked to sing to me and the other children in Latin a lot. She said it was her favorite thing to do that didn't involve combat."

"She sounds like an excellent woman." Natasha said softly.

"She was."

They were interrupted by Clint.

"Guys! Non-Russian-speaking-guy over here!" He said. They both sighed. Natasha called him an ass and hit him in the back of the head. Peter stood silently in the background. He felt his Spidey Sense tingle just before a hand reached for his shoulder. He accidentally flipped the potential danger that turned out to be Clint with a fake rubber arm and was attempting to prank him. Tony walked in at that moment.

"Oh my- I'm really sorry, are you alright?" Peter panickedly asked. Natasha was laughing her ass off.

"Clint that was kinda your own fault there. It was really funny though thanks for the entertainment. You should really learn to not sneak up on people who are zoning out." She said continuing to laugh.

"I-I'm really sorry. You aren't hurt are you?" Peter apologized again.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Nat is right, but if I knew you could flip people like that I wouldn't have done it. Where'd you learn to do that?"

"What just happened?" Tony asked.

"Oh you should've seen it! The kid zoned out and Clint tried to spook him by grabbing his shoulder but Peter flipped him before that! Funniest thing I've seen all day." Natasha explained.

"JARVIS pull up the footage of that." Tony instructed. The footage played and after it finished everyone laughed. Peter's laugh was more a 'omg that's so embarrassing why did I do that' laugh but two were laughing at Clint and Clint was laughing at himself.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

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