Olivia pursed her lips together. "I'm not a fucking cheater, Harry," she repeated, despite his comment that she might as well have kissed him already. "I don't know why the fuck I'm still standing here, listening to your bullshit insults!"

He didn't know why she was, either. He was being grossly mean to the woman he loved. Still, he pressed on. "Obviously because you're fucking miserable with Ben. If you were happy, you'd at least have a plan to be with him forever. You don't even have a fucking date picked!"

The last thing Olivia wanted to do was leave Harry with such a sour memory, but she couldn't stand in front of him anymore while he threw accurate insults at her and she weakly tried to defend herself and her relationship. His words were devastating her. "I never thought you'd be so mean to me..." she commented quietly. She shook her head at him. "I thought you were the one person who knew me better than anyone, but... you don't. You don't know me at all." She shook her head again, turning on her heel before the tears started to fall. He'd mocked her once for crying, she wouldn't let him mock her again.

Fuck. Harry sighed as he realised he'd made a mistake. He never wanted to hurt Olivia or be the reason for her tears. He wanted her to want to be with him as much as he wanted to be with her. Yelling and cussing at her in the middle of the hallway while she cried over her obvious pain was not the way to sway her.

"Like hell I don't," he called out as she stomped towards the elevator. She looked up at him with a scowl but didn't answer, continuing to jam her finger on the down button instead. He followed her to the elevator, nudging her hand from the button. "You fucking know I know you better than you know yourself, Liv."

Olivia shook her head, pressing the button again. When the elevator doors didn't open in an instant, she brushed past Harry, continuing down the hall to the stairs. "If you really fucking knew me, you'd have called me after that fucking video came out," she told him, regretting the words as they came out. She didn't want to talk about the video or the aftermath, not now. She ducked into the stairwell, Harry hot on her heels.

"You wouldn't have answered me anyway," Harry argued, though it was a weak statement. Just weeks after they broke up, the video of Olivia grabbing Alison Azoff's hair found its way onto Instagram. It had been awful enough for Harry, who had training to handle social media negativity – he couldn't imagine how difficult its release had been for Olivia, especially working with teenagers who idolised Instagram. But she was right. He hadn't even tried to call her.

"You didn't even fucking try!" Olivia shrieked, slapping his arm away from her. "That video was the worst fucking time of my life, and you didn't even fucking try to see if I was okay! You killed me when you left me, but I always thought you'd come back to me. You never, ever fucking did, and then you were too damn busy fucking Taylor to even talk to me anymore! God, and her of all fucking people!" Olivia wasn't even trying to hide her tears anymore. Everything she felt, all the words she'd wanted to say to Harry over the last three years were pouring out of her, and she was powerless to stop them.

"Liv..." Harry tried to cut in, but she waved her arms, dismissing anything he may say.

"I never knew I meant so little to you that you would rebound with the one person I truly hate," Olivia told Harry, her quiet voice cracking. "And while you're fucking taking her to award shows and being papped at Disneyland and fucking kissing her in Malibu, taking her to all the places you wouldn't take me, I'm losing my shit and crying in my car in some empty parking lot at four in the morning because it's the only fucking place that doesn't taste like you and I'm fucking broken inside, but nothing can fix it and nothing is good and everything only gets worse!"

She ducked her head, her cries coming out in choked sobs. Harry wasn't sure if she would push him away, but he couldn't stand by while Olivia cried over his actions. He stepped in front of her and wrapped his arms around her back, tugging the sobbing girl against his chest. She tried to push him away, but he kept his grip around her. He hadn't been there for her in the past, but he would be there for her now.

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