Ch 2: Thoughts and Telepathy

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Author's note (A/N): I hope anyone reading this enjoys!

(Yes, like a mad man, I totally published two chapters in one day. This was actually never supposed to be published, but I figured I might as well since there are so many people who love Saiki as much as I do!)

(Side Note: by the way, fair warning, I don't like Teruhashi or TeruhashixSaiki... sorry for everyone who likes it but I just can't. So this story is SaikixAkemi (my original character))

*Saiki's thoughts are in italics without quotation marks

*Other people's thoughts are in italics with quotation marks


The first half of the school day went by in a flash. A few people talked to Akemi, but only quick informal greetings. No friends yet.

By the time lunch rolls around, Akemi sits down with her food, already exhausted from the day. This school is nothing like my old school. We would have made the new student feel as though they were here the whole time— including them and making them feel welcome. Here, all they seem to say is 'hi' and 'bye'. And their dialect is so different from what I'm used to. The teachers' lessons were sort of hard to understand. I hope I make friends soon...

'Interrupting her thoughts, a hoard of boys-- dressed in some sort of pink hapi coat with hearts and "I love Teruhashi" on it-- approaches her. "We are the Kokomins: a society of people devoted to our wonderful Teruhashi. And, as pretty as you are new student, this is Teruhashi's seat. I'm afraid you'll have to move immediately."

"Who's Teruhashi?"

"OUR BENEVOLENT GODDESS, THE RADIANT SUN, THE MOST PERFECT GIRL IN THE UNIVERSE--" The leader of the group continues to ramble on about the "wonderful" Teruhashi as the rest of them sigh and blush due thoughts of her emanating "perfection".

(A/N: yes, I put quotation marks around those words for my own reasons. Sorry, I really dislike her, so... yeah.)

"Uh, okay... Does it really matter?" Akemi looked at the leader, still clearly confused.

Trust me, you should move.

She continued to question, "Is this 'Teruhashi' that big of a deal?"

Move. You don't want to become an enemy of hers. Saiki was concerned, for some reason unknown to him (A/N: *smirks*), and told her that through telepathy. A warning, of sorts, as a favor.

Akemi stopped paying attention to the Kokomins (or whatever they were called, she didn't bother to remember the leader's rant) and searched around the room for that voice. Saiki could hear her thoughts, "That voice... Someone just warned me about Teruhashi. No one else seemed to notice, so how was I the only one able to hear him?"

Crap, she's sharper than I thought. Saiki was slightly worried, and decided not to send any other thoughts to her. Although, oddly enough, he was intrigued. No one had ever really caught on to that. Usually, people just labeled it as their brilliant subconsciousness. This person was... odd, to say the least.

Just as Akemi was going to ask them another question about this Teruhashi person, Teruhashi and Yumehara walked right up to the table. "Hah, I've just graced you with my presence new girl. Oh, and you too Kokomins. Another loyal subject as an admirer— I mean, classmate." Teruhashi thought.

"Hi, I'm sorry but would you mind moving? My friend Yumehara and I usually sit here. In fact, I usually sit in the seat you're in. But you are welcome to join us once I get my seat back, if you'd like!" Teruhashi said with a smile, but in fact she was really thinking, Not only have I graced you with seeing me, but I actually spoke to you first! This must be the luckiest day of your life.

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