Chapter 21: Into the Trap

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"Charges!" Han ordered. "Come on! Come on!" Kes tossed the charges to Han, who began setting them. In Jon's mind, things were going exactly as they were supposed to. The Rebels had stormed the bunker. Han was setting the bombs. The Rebels would escape before they went off. The shield generator would come down, then the Falcon and various Rebel starfighters would move in on the Death Star. Of course, life is never that simple. The apparent ease with which Jon and the others had made this far actually put them right in the middle of the Emperor's trap. He, himself, had allowed the Alliance to learn the location of the shield generator. And a legion of his best troops awaited them.

"Freeze!" an Imperial officer ordered as he and a group of Stormtroopers barged in. Han threw a crate at the other man, who fell over the side of a railing.

"You Rebel scum," another Imperial officer sneered, pointing a blaster at Han, Leia and Jon.

*Don't talk about them like that!* Chewie barked.

"Scum?!" Jon repeated questioningly, putting his hands on his hips. "You can't expect to talk about my dad like that, then expect to get away with it."

"Leave it, Jon," said Leia. "There's nothing you can do."

"Are you telling me to give up, Mom?" asked Jon.

"Not at all," Leia replied. "But this is one of those times where you've got to learn to pick your battles."

The Imperials began disarming the Rebels. Chewie had to give up his bowcaster. The Jon, Han, Leia, Kes and other members of the strike team all had their blasters confiscated. After that, the group was brought all the way back through the corridors of the bunker, and out into the forest again. In the clearing, Jon saw many more Imperial officers, Scout Troopers and Stormtroopers. Two At-St walkers-one that was stationary, and another that was stalking through the forest-were also there. A group of Stormtroopers was hauling the members of the strike team who had stood watch for Jon and everyone else. They marched with their arms held above their heads.

"All right, move it!" the lead Stormtrooper hauling Jon, Han, Leia and Chewie ordered. They began walking forward. "Keep movie. Come on."

"Ok, there, Bucket-Head," said Jon. "You don't have to get your armor all up in a twist."

"What have I told you about keeping quiet, boy?" asked the Stormtrooper.

"Well, can I at least say what might be my last words to my father, mother and hairy uncle?" asked Jon. The Stormtrooper only shrugged. Jon took that as permission.

"Dad, Mom, Chewie, I'm scared," Jon began. "Scared that this is the end. Scared that after all we've done so far, it could end like this. Scared that we failed the Galaxy. But I'm not scared to die. And if we're all about to die right now, I just want all of you to know that I love you."

"We love you, too, Jon," said Han. "Whatever happens now, I've always been so proud of you."

"So have I," said Leia.

*Me, too,* added Chewie.

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