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He takes deep breaths to calm his nerves. While everyone around him slowly get up, talking softly to each other.
He was frozen in fear, the sounds around him fading as someone shakes him lightly. Calling out to him but all he can hear is a dull "Chief!" Then as soon as it started, his hearing clears up and he turns to see Nick looking down at him. "Are you okay?" He pants softly as he nods "ya...ya I'm fine." He grabs onto the tree and slowly stand "we better check it out." Nick nods as Judy runs over. "Is everyone okay?!"
Nick looks at her and nods "ya we're all fine."

Bogo walks closer to the big hole, stopping at the edge as he looks down. All he could see was a tunnel leading deeper down the hole, snow in a darker shade from the darkness of the hole. A swing slightly poking out of the side, and what looks like part of a slide.
"My god...we need to evacuate the entire city." He says turning to them "tell Roger to get a team, help people get out." He says making a wolf guy nod "I'll do that." Then runs off.

Judy looks at the wolf as he rushes away then looks at him "what should we do?" That's when suddenly they could hear a voice eco calling for help.
Bogo turns and yells back "are you alright?!"
The voice talks back saying "I'm okay! Breathing at least but I'm stuck!"
Nick and Judy look at eat other "don't worry we're going to help you!" Nick yells back.
Bogo starts to walk back to the helicopter "I need you two to come with me. We're going in." They nod and follow him.

In a matter of minutes they got geared up as two bears screw in a pulley to the ground. Clipping on black rope to the front of their belts. Judy pulls on it to check if it's sturdy and looks at Bogo.
"Stay close," he says turning to the hole "and don't slip."
He pulls out his flash light, turning it on as he starts to jump back. Losing himself down the tunnel, his flash light brightening the are around him. Nick and Judy follow closely behind.

Once they reach the bottom of the hole their feet land on the deep snow. Going up to their legs, well, except Judy. Nick picks her up and puts her on his back "don't worry, foxes are good with snow." He says smiling as he follows Bogo. They walk down a ice tunnel, the walls so smooth it's almost like someone dug it. Judy runs her fingers along the smooth wall. Cold. She shivers as they hear their feet tap.

"Hello?!" Bogo yells out, after a few seconds they hear a voice "over here!" They turn to the voice and quickly runs to it. It didn't take long for them to find a Lion guy. His uniform covered in snow, his main heavy with ice. He was sitting against the wall with his leg sticking out. A small cut on it making him bleed.
They rush over and Bogo grabs the medical kit he had on his back "don't worry, your going to be okay." Him and Nick start to tend to his wound as Judy looks around. A soft splash is herd as she looks down to see she was stepping in a puddle of water. "It's melting," She says softly as she looks down the tunnel. A long curve with water all along the floor.
She keeps walking slowly, turning her head around the corner to see a big round like room. The floor full of water as the spikes above, dull like a used pencil, drip water down to the floor. She touches the water lightly surprised by how warm it feels. "Hey guys! I think I found the cause of this!"

"I'll go look, you stay here and tend to his leg," Bogo says rushing over to where Judy is. He stands by her looking around the dome like area, the floor sinking constantly as more ice becomes water. "It's warm," Judy says looking up at him.

He kneels over and puts his hand in it, feeling the water "but what is causing it to heat up?" He says as he looks at the water. Then he hears a loud crack, looking up to see cracks form across the room. Large chunks of ice falls into the puddle of water, making a loud smash.

That's when his heart started to race, what the ice was hiding behind it startled him. It looked to be like a lizard lady, frozen in the ice with her eyes closed. Her horns big like a deer, her scales a soft white color. But one thing that stood out was her outfit. It looked to be made of animal fur, bones, and some stone armor. She definitely was here for quite some time.
Bogo steps in the water making go to his hips, Judy called out to him but he keeps moving closer. He had to know if this was the creature in his dreams. If so why was she here? Why was she in his dreams. He touches the ice incasing her inside. Warm and wet.

He looks up at her peaceful face, slowly studying her. Her wings curve slightly so they are stretched out beside her. Her tail curls around behind her.
It's almost as if her life was on pause. Still in the same condition she was when it was playing.

Bogo grabs his walkie talkie, pressing a button till a static sound was herd. "This is Bogo, get the scientist down here. They need to see this."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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