Of Airports and Conversations

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Surprise...? 🙈


Amongst the hustle and bustle of the people inside Suvarnabhumi Airport, one man carrying a guitar case on one hand and his passport and flight ticket on the other, was casually walking towards that famous coffee shop with the mermaid logo. People may think that he wastes his money in this particular shop, but he loves the fact that the baristas are friendly.

As he arrived, he noticed that the coffee shop is full, but he still went in line to buy his iced caffe latte. People would think that he's the americano kind of guy, but he's not. He actually cannot drink strong coffee. It's too bitter for him. So when he got his grande iced cafe latte, he searched for a vacant seat, and saw no available table, except that there's an available chair in one corner, but he needed to ask permission to share.

Getting closer to the table, he noticed that the customer who occupies the seat across the vacant one is a young man. Maybe a couple of years younger than him. He observed that this young man looks like he is a fresh graduate ready to have a vacation before embracing adulthood. The man in front of him did not have much things. Just a phone, wallet, earphones, a backpack, and a camera. The man was staring at the busy airport outside the glass while absentmindedly caressing his cup of what looks like black coffee to him. The young man looks so mysterious and with the light shining from the window outside, he looks like he's glowing. He wanted to get the camera from the young man to capture the beauty in front of him.

"Excuse me, if it's not too much to ask, may I share the table with you? The shop is full and this is the only vacant seat left." The guitarist asked the young man, making the young man snap out of his reverie.

"Oh! Hi. Sure, just take a seat. That guitar case you're carrying must be placing a bit of a burden to your shoulder now." The young man replied and gave a small smile that could have possibly melted the guitarist.

"Sorry for having to intrude into your personal space. I needed the caffeine, plus my flight isn't for a few hours more." The guitarist explained as he took his seat across the young man.

"No need to be sorry. I'm also just killing time myself. I was so excited for this trip, that I came too early." The young man chuckled at his predicament.

"Well, it's better to be eary than being left by the plane, right? It's wonderful that you're excited. Is this your first time to fly?" The guitarist couldn't help asking. There's something about this young man that he just wants to keep a conversation going.

"Oh no. Not at all. I've flew countless times with my family, but this is the first time that I would be flying on my own. And to one of my favourite places nonetheless! That's why I'm pretty excited." The young man's eyes sparkle as he's imagining what's in store for him in a couple of hours.

"Oh? Do tell me where in the world you're favourite places are." The guitarist asked leaning forward in curiosity.

"I have a number of favourite places, but I have got to say that South Korea is precious to me. The place is beautiful, the food is delicious, and most of all, it's the home of my favourite dramas!" The young man replied with a chuckle.

'He's so cute' The guitarist thought after seeing the young man chuckling at himself.

"So, mister rockstar, where are you flying to? Are you famous? Am I talking to a famous artist? I'm sorry if you are. I don't know much about local artists. The Hallyu wave got to me." The young man apologized sincerely with a pout on his face.

"Oh no. I'm not an artist, though I dream to be one in the future. I'm actually going to the UK to study a little about being a musician in hoping I could be a bit closer to my dreams." The guitarist replied with a smile.

"Don't worry! I'm sure you'll become a wonderful artist someday. Your speaking voice is already melodic, so I believe you're singing voice would be beautiful. It helps that you're tall and handsome too! I bet a lot of girls and boys would swoon after you." The young man encouraged the guitarist enthusiastically.

"It seems like I found myself a fan without doing anything" The guitarist teased.

"Uh-huh! You bet you did! Hey, may I have a photo with you? So that one day, when you're famous, I could brag to my friends that I knew you before you were famous." The young man asked.

"You're so cute, you know that? But sure, let's take a selfie." The guitarist then motioned the young man to pick up his camera and stood up to go to the young man's side. He then wrapped an arm around the young man's shoulder for the photo.

"Thank you so much mister! Oh, I've got to go. I hear them calling out my flight. Have a safe trip! I'll wait for you to be famous!" The young man said before packing up his things and leaving the cafe.

The guitarist just sat back down after waving to the young man. He then proceeded to facepalm because he forgot to ask the name of the young man he fell for, and he does not even have a copy of their photo!

On the other side, a young man was seating on a plane staring at a photo in his camera while smiling wistfully. He just realized that he forgot to ask the name of the guitarist his heart was beating so fast for, but he promised himself to search for the guitarist in the future and he hopes that their paths will cross again.

A/N: Hello! So I surprised myself by writing this because I honestly don't know how to write anymore 😅
So I had this plot since last year, I think it goes like this:
Plot: P'Tae and Tee meet at a crowded airport and there's only one table left at Starbucks so they decided to share the table for two, and they began talking about their life, hobbies, dreams, and their destination. They talked about almost anything and everything. When their flights were called, they hoped to see each other again. P'Tae going to the UK, Tee going to Korea. Extra: they forgot to exchange numbers...they just have a selfie together and their names to know each other by

So, I don't know if I got it or not, but I hope you still enjoyed... 😊🤗

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