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Today is my first day at Liberty. Am I nervous? A little bit. I'm not exactly great at making friends. I'm very introverted, but I'm going to try to be more outgoing here. I want people to like me.

As I walk through the door I get a text.

Josh: hey babe. good luck on your first day, everyone will love you.

That's so typical of him. Anytime I'm mad at him and ready to leave him, he plays nice.

I ignore the message and look for the office. When I find it I get my locker number and class schedule. I don't really have any books yet so I just go to my first class: Math. I'm in calculus and I don't want to be.

I sit down in the middle of the class and a curly headed boy sits next to me. He seems nerdy, but not in a bad way. I'm definitely not one to judge people and I give everyone a chance.

"Hey, I'm Tyler. I've never seen you around before, are you new?" The boy asked.

I nod, "I'm Jennie. Nice to meet you." I smile at him.

"Have any trouble finding your classes?" He asks.

"Eh, a bit. This school can be a little confusing." I laugh.

"Well I can show you around if you want. I've been the new kid." He warmly smiles.

"Thanks, I'd appreciate that!"

The bell rings and everyone piles in. Thankfully the teacher doesn't mention me being new and just begins the lesson. After the bell rings I gather my stuff and Tyler does the same.

"Hey could we stop at my locker so I can put this huge book away?" I ask as we leave the class.

"Yeah of course, what's your locker number?"

I pull out the paper I received and gave it to him. He led the way and opened the locker for me.

"Thanks Tyler I really appreciate this." I smile gratefully and then put my book in.

"It's no problem! Next class... chemistry. Sadly, I don't have that but I'll take you there." He says and I nod and follow.

"Here we are." Tyler says referring to a room with people piling in.

"Thanks! I'll see you around hopefully?" I ask.

"Course!" He smiles and waves.

I walk in the class and sit in the back. It goes just as math did.

Eventually lunch arrived and I spotted Tyler at the end of the lunch line and I joined him.

"Hey Tyler!" I chirp slightly scaring him.

"Oh hey Jennie!" He laughs.

We talk as we approach the food.

"Tyler who's your new friend?" A tall, blonde hair boy asked.

"Go away Bryce." Tyler spat.

I guess this Bryce guy isn't good. Noted.

Bryce left and me and Tyler got our food and sat at a table with some other people.

"Hey guys, this is Jennie, she's new." Tyler introduces me. I wave a smile.

"Hi, I'm Clay."
"I'm Alex!"
"Hannah. Nice to meet you Jennie!"
"Nice to meet you all." I say shyly.

"Jennie, I'm going to steak n' shake after school with some friends. You should come and I can introduce you!" Alex says.

"I don't know.." I say hesitantly.

"Come on! It couldn't hurt." He begs.

"Okay I guess." I give in.



I'm at Steak n' Shake and am regretting my decision. I see Alex with a bunch of jocks. Hm. Didn't seem like the type that hangs out with them. But hey, maybe they're super sweet, I haven't even met them yet.

As I'm about to enter my phone vibrates.

Josh: I sent you a nice message and you ignore it. Seriously. What a bitch.

I ignore and walk it.

"Jennie! You made it!" Alex says and walks up to me.

"I did, I did." I say smiling.

"This is Zach, Monty, Justin, Jeff, Sheri, and Jessica." He introduces.

"Hi! I'm Jennie!" I laugh.

"So where'd you come from Jennie?" Zach asked.

"Just down the street." I answer.

They nod. Every once in a while they'd ask me some random questions which I had no problem answering. They were all nice and accepting and I'm happy I came.

"So Jennie, do you have a boyfriend?" Sheri asked. All eyes turned to me.

"Uh, well, technically yes." I stammer.

"Why the hesitation?" Monty asked.

"It's not a relationship I exactly want to be in." I explain. "He's not a good guy. Really controlling."

"Why don't you break up with him?" Jeff asked.

"I tried, but he just doesn't listen. I can't bring myself to just block him because he's been there for me. I'm stupid I know." I explain sadly.

"You're not stupid. I understand." Alex rubs my back.

As I'm about to say something else I hear a voice behind me.

"Jennie? What the fuck are you doing here? With boys?"

Only You  // Justin Foley Where stories live. Discover now