Gracie rubbed his back soothingly as he placed his on her head. The two stayed in the position for a while, peacefully enjoying each other's warmth, before getting interrupted by the sound of Gracie's phone ringing.

Linong let go of the hug. Gracie looked at her phone– Wenjun.

"Oh shit I forgot to tell him"

"Um sorry I need to take this", she said.

The boy nodded his head in response and went upstairs to give her privacy.

Gracie answered the call.

"Where are you?!! You shouldn't be taking this long!!!"

"Sorry Wenjun, I had to–", before she could even finish, she could hear someone yelling at the other side of the phone. It was noisy from where Wenjun was but she could make out what that voice said.


"GRACIE, GODDAMMIT! CHENGCHENG IS DYING!!", the older yelled at her when he realized the situation at the hospital.

Gracie almost dropped her phone from the sudden news.


"Gracie, if you really love Chengcheng, stop doing what you're doing now and come here...", Wenjun tried to calm himself.

"Because you... you might never see him again..."

And with that, Gracie ended the call.

"NONGNONG!!!!", she shouted, not caring that it was six in the morning and that people are still asleep.

Linong came rushing down the stairs as he heard her booming voice.

"Hey! You could've woken up my sister!"

"Chengcheng's in the hospital. He's about to get fucking surgery. Wenjun said that... I might never see him again if I don't come to the damn hospital right now", she straightforwardly told him.

"wHAT?!", Linong screamed in shock, but not as loud as her.

"I need to go to the hospital... Stay here and take care of your little sister"

He nodded.

"I'll call you a cab. Wait outside", he said.

He then went to fetch his phone while she went outside.

Gracie waited for a couple minutes, pacing around the sidewalk as she waited for the cab impatiently.

"Oh why did I wasted time and didn't just go to the freaking hospital?!", she groaned at herself.

"Gracie Kwan you're such an idiot!", she couldn't help but scolded herself.

Right on time, the taxi arrived. Gracie opened the door and entered the taxi, it was the same taxi as before.

The driver gave her a smile.

"Is it the hospital, miss?"

"Yes. Extra fast please!", she said quickly.

The driver nodded and sped to the hospital.

The driver did drive the taxi fast as she requested. In no time, she arrived at the hospital.

She paid the driver and thanked him. She hurriedly exited the cab and entered the hospital.

She practically ran towards the reception counter.

"Hello, how may I help you, miss?", the receptionist politely asked.

"Can I know where is Fan Chengcheng?", she asked the receptionist.

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