" when Oberois came to know about this they were afraid about their mother Mrs.Kalyani Singh Oberoi's health nd their family prestige...due to this reason they made arrangements for the wellness of that child by separating from Roop...nd did Roop's marriage with an another person....Mrs.Roop didn't like this act of her brothers nd hated them...finally she want to take revenge on them...

PP: sorry for the interference My Lord...story narration is nice...well accepted but Oberois didn't do this ...for that do you have any proof nd do you know who did it...

Saxsena smiled...

SS: My Lord...my PP friend asked that do you hv proofs to prove the Oberois innocency...yes Your Honor ...I have .....not one ....2 proofs ...but before that plz Your Honor...call Mrs. Roop ...he requested ..

They called Roop nd she came nd stood in the courts cage...

SS: Your Honor...my friend Mr. PP already submitted the evidence..its my humble request Sir...plz observe them keenly once again...plz Your Honor...he requested....

All didn't understand...after few minutes....

Jud: yes ...I observed....

SS: thank you My Lord...said he gave a cover to the Court Assistant nd requested him to give it to the Judge...

He gave the cover to the Judge...

SS: Your Monor...plz check these photos which were the zoomed ones to the originals...plz sir...he requested...

The Judge opened the cover nd started checking the pics...All became curious...

After few minutes...

Jud: yes Mr. SS...in these pics Mrs.Roop's reflection had clearly shown...

SS: thank you My Lord for the observation...yes Your Honor...u r right...

She stood there with a camera in her hand...

Your honor....as a human being ...if anyone in a danger...we will try to help them with minimum humanity nd concern...but here Mrs. Roop stood like a stone...

not only that Your Honor ....as per post-mortum report ... Mr.Kapoor died before the fire accident...our claints reached there after they received a call from the Mill...as per CCTV footage they reached there after the death time of Mr.Kapoor...

not only that Your Honor....they came out from the Mill after they warned the others through fire alarm...

but Your Honor....plz note the point that is before my claints reach there...Mrs.Roop already has present in the Mill...you may clearly see it in that pics...

My Lord...plz check this footage once....said he gave the pendrive to the assistant...

Connecting it to a lap top..playing the footage..the court assistant gave it to the judge...

Judge watched the footage...

Jud: Mr.SS...in this...

SS: yes Your Honor...this is the footage that had hidden all these years....this was collected form Roop's bank locker....

Hearing it Roop was shocked...

Jud: Mrs.Roop...do you agree it...all the evidences clearly telling that you r the one who did this crime....

Roop: no....i didn't do anything...;they all are intentionally trying to frame me....

SS: Your Honor...plz give me the permission to produce my last evidence...

Jud: yes permission granted...

SS: thank you My Lord...plz Your Honor...I need a screen for it...

Jud: okay granted...

After few minutes a screen was setted in the court hall...Mr.Saxsena....inserted the pen drive into lap top nd he connected it to the screen...

SS: Your Honor...as per law ...we take a person's death bed statement as an important evidence ...am I right your honor...

Jud: yes...100%..

SS: thank you My Lord...so pls watch this death bed declaration of Mr.Veer...son of Mrs.Roop ...said he played the video...

Hearing about Veer's death Oberois got shocked....Trinetra closed her eyes to hid her pain...Roop starred at the screen....all including the media started watching the video...

The video started showing Veer's face who very difficultly giving his statement to the police officer in the presence of a district court judge...he said that "how Roop ...brought him up against Oberois...wt she did to take revenge on them....he narrated that how his mom Roop lit the fire in KMs ...how she killed Mr.Kapoor who came to know about her act nd a witness too...later how she framed Mr.Harshavardhan Trivedi who was a foreman in this offence...not only that she even killed him in the hospital taking his sign on a suicide note forcedly....later how she misled Mr.Kapoor's daughter nd how she insisted them against Oberois...

How she threatened Shivaay to marry another girl...whatever the incidents that took place ...that's all happened bcs of my mom Roop only...Oberois didn't do anything...They are innocent ...he declared....

finally ...when he called Trinetra...hearing her name she opened her eyes nd looked at the screen...

hi all....thank you for reading ....just one more shot left....will meet with that last shot....till then stay tuned nd bye bye take care....

Just a minute....dont forget to give feedback....thank you... 

wen Ur Own Blood became Ur Enemy (a few shots on IB's current track)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now