A First...

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Wade sat there sprawled out across Colossus's bed. Waiting for him to get out of the shower and show him around. I mean what else would keep Deadpool there. "Maybe the fact that this entire room smells so good." Wait Deadpool how can you understand me I'm narrating your story. This isn't even written by marvel. "Does it matter it's just a perk of being totally awesome. Plus it's fun." Well stop let me get back to the story or I'll make you do something you'll regret. " Really?... Try me." Fine I will.

Wade looked around to see if anyone other than god or whatever was watching. He looked back up at the ceiling and moved his hands down to the zipper of his pants. He took a deep breath as he- "Whoah whoah whoah! Why is that happening I mean I get the idea but seriously no jokes or sexual comment first, I just jump right in?" I said no interrupting, are you giving in yet? You regret your decision? " Nope please continue on." Where was I, oh yes...
  He reached his left hand into his pants and began stroking himself. It's a good thing he got chopped in half too, because his dick grew back a little bit bigger then last time and, "Bigger is always better, mmmn" Dude seriously, whatever. Deadpool began to moan as he started thinking of Colossus. 'Oh shit am I into metal balls?' Wade questioned himself. No that, uhnn, can't be" He continued as though it didn't phase him, until he heard the door knob beginning to turn. He looked over and watched as Colossus entered the room.
  Wade continued to lay there sprawled out and open to Colossus's view. Then he noticed Colossus was only wearing his nice fluffy towel around his waist and that was the end of it. "Mmmnuhhhhh" Wade came all over Colossus's bed, and Colossus had watched the whole thing happen. Once he realised what was happening he jumped back, "Oh my God! Wade those were new satin sheets!" Colossus yelled, "and what are you doing cumming all over in my bed!" Colossus looked extremely angry and Wade could tell but from the high he was just in, he wasn't gonna let it put him in a sour salty mood.
  "Well it's my bed now too. You know because we're bunking together." Deadpool stated trying to get the layout of how this was gonna play out.
  "Wade, please clean this up. I don't even know what to say to you right now, I mean just clean up after yourself I'll be back later." Colossus said as he turned and ran walked back out of the room. Once he exited Wade did as he was told, which was a first. Just like that was the first time he ever came in front of Colossus. Or without either Vanessa or a unicorn in the room. "Man I wonder how big metal balls dick is?" Wade questioned as he took the sheets off the bed and began cleaning up.

Another authors note:
So hope you guys like what just happened I didn't really care for the scene I feel like it was to rushed but hey whatever if the narrators horny, Deadpools probably horny too. Anyways I think I'm going to write the next chapter as colossus's point of view. So yeah we'll see how that turns out so... bye.

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