05 | Spin the Bottle | Peter Parker

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A/N {Brea}: I suck at this stuff but I was in the mood to write it so yeah enjoy this trash. Also sorry for not updating in a while, I have been super busy with my other book, Mission Abort, which is a Peter Parker X Reader, on my other joint account: @avengehoesassemble 

1112 words


You needed a break, so you accepted your uncle Tony's offer to go to his lame Friday night party. You put on a crop top and some shorts, and throw your hair into a messy bun. You threw on some wedges, waiting for Clint show up, seeing as he was your chauffeur for the night, along with some of the other Avenger's. He finally showed up with Bruce and Nat in the car. 

"Hey, y/n, why didn't you wear anything more sexy?" Clint shouted from the window. Nat slapped his arm, while Bruce just looked lost.

You flipped him off, "One, I'm only sixteen, two shut the fuck up, you know I didn't want to go in the first place." you got into the car, buckling in.

"But Peter will be there." he raised his eyebrows, smirking.

You started to blush, but didn't respond.

"Oh is somebody shy now?" he keeps teasing.

"No, just drive before I slit your throat."

He laughs and starts driving, arriving in less than five minutes because you didn't live very far from the Avenger's Tower. When you got inside it was chaotic, people everywhere, the area reeked of alcohol, and it was hot as hell. You made your way to Tony, who you were pretty sure was already drunk. 

"Hey there y/n, nice to see you showed up." he was surprisingly not, but took a sip from a glass he was holding.

You just shake your head. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't run out of homework."

"Oh stop being a hermit," he wraps an arm around your shoulders, "For crying out loud your my niece, you're supposed to love parties and stuff."

"Yeah I've got the Stark's brains, not the social trait." you rolled your eyes and walked towards the food bar, grabbing a chocolate chip cookie. You see Peter walk in with a t-shirt and some jeans. See even he wasn't dressed up. He waved to you and walked over grabbing a chocolate chip cookie himself. 

"What a nice party huh?" he asked.

"Oh yeah totally nice. I could be at home doing homework." you responded.

"So could I but I did it all, and then Tony told me to come so I did."

You both stood there and talked for awhile, eating all of the cookies, and actually having a good time. That was until Tony opened his fat mouth. 

"Alright everyone gather round, we are going to play spin the bottle."

You shook your head, "We have to be exempt, we're minors."

"That includes the minors." he smirks, then winks at you and Peter.

You roll your eyes, then walk over, and sit down next to Nat who just pats your shoulder, like she's reassuring that everything's going to be ok.

"Now the rules of the game are that the bottle will be spun to pick out a female, then the lady will spin the bottle to choose a male. When they are both picked, they will head into a room, and will be given ten minutes, as long as their lips touch they can come out."

You shake your head in disbelief, wishing you had stayed home. Tony puts the bottle down on the floor, and spins it, resulting in it landing on Nat first. She takes the bottle and does the same, letting it point towards Bruce. Tony gives a nice little smirk. The two get up silently and head into a room.

"Alright let's see who the next lady is," then he winks towards your direction.

The bottle spins, then slowly stops at your feet.

"Shit." you mumble.

"Language young lady." Steve says from across the room. 

You glare at him, then Tony, then spin the bottle, watching it carefully until it lands on Peter. You both look up with bright red faces.

"Alright you little kids, go on. In the room." you head down the hall, opening the door and walking in.

Tony stops Peter, whispering in his ear, "Go get her, but no silly business unless you use a condom."

Peter gives him a weird face then follows you slowly into the room. You sit down on the bed running your hands through your hair.

"I-if you don't want to kiss we don't have to." he mutters quietly, standing on the other side of the room.

You stay silent for a while, then gaining confidence you speak up, "What if I want to kiss you?"

Shocked Peter looks up from his feet, "You want to kiss...me?"

"I mean sure why the hell not, your pretty adorable anyways." you gave him a smile. You got up, walking towards him, then turning yourself around so you were against the wall. Before you could change your mind, you plant your lips on his, starting off delicately. He deepens it by running his tongue along your bottom lip, demanding an entrance. Letting him in, you give him free range to explore before battling for dominance. You slowly run your hands up and down his back, then into his hair, pulling at his curls, while he squeezes your hips, and pulls them closer. Pulling back for air, Peter doesn't stop. He kisses along your jawline, and down your neck, soon reaching your sensitive spot, and nibbling lightly. You bite your bottom lip, stifling a moan. Before he could go any further, Tony interfered over JARVIS.

"Alright you two, that's enough. Get your asses back out here and go home."

You look at Peter, panting slightly, still trying to regulate your breathing. "You know we should hang around together more often."

"I know right." he pecks your lips again.

"NOW." Tony interrupts again. 

You two roll your eyes and laugh, "And yet he told me no funny business unless I use a condom."

You open your mouth in shock, "He is such a jackass."

"I heard that young lady." Tony comes back once again.

You and Peter walk out hand in hand, into the living room, where everyone stared as you two walked out.

"Shit, they heard and saw all of that didn't they?" you asked.

"No just me." Tony responds laughing.

Nat looked at your shoulder with shock on her face, Clint looked at you with approval, and Bruce still seemed confused.

"What?" you asked.

"Um...you have something on your shoulder." Nat said.

Peter looks at your shoulder and widens his eyes, "Fuck, well I kind of left a mark on your..."

"As long as it was left by you, I'm ok with it." you said proudly.

"Ok seriously, you kids are sixteen, watch your damn profanity." Steve blurts.

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