Chapter two

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                          Kai's P.O.V
The first day of school just started, and I was sad. Like always.

I have an idea why I always hate the first day of school. I think it has something to do with all of a sudden starting to learn stuff. The very loud bell rang and we all went inside.

We all picked where we wanted to hang  our bags and lined up outside the classroom. Our teacher talked to us about something and had us go inside. Mr. Idgaf (our teacher) gave us some number and assigned us our seats. I'm not gonna lie I hated where I sat. I got stuck with literally everyone I hated except one beside me, I'm not gonna say the name.

The school day started to roll and the announcements started. It was our national anthem, prayer, and stuff to talk about. Clubs, welcome to the first day of school, etc etc. It was the basic just like "oh welcome to the first day of school, it will be a great 9 months and it will go bye so quick." Shit like that.

Honestly, it went bye in like a normal speed. "Alright we have two new students this year: spencer, and Kazurei. They both waved, but I mostly looked at Kazurei. She was reading new moon (second book in the twilight saga). Our teacher Mr. idgaf already said: "don't be afraid to go up and introduce yourself to her." I have no idea what she was thinking, but at sometime during the day I Introduced my self somehow even though I'm a nervous reck when it comes to these things, and she seemed friendly enough.

I engaged in some small talk like "hey your reading new moon, how is it?" Stuff like that.

The school day went by kinda slow. I mean getting into learning a lot of stuff you will most likely not use in your life doesn't mean that it will go by fast.

The school day finally finished and we got homework. Of course. I thought it was sort of but everyone thought it was really simple. It was like a reading activity so.

While I was waiting for the bus to get home and do this activity I thought of the new kids. I especially thought of Kazurei. She looked super put together in her clothes (she had a white button shirt and nice navy blue pants.)

                    Kazurei's P.O.V
So! First day of school at Kaijiku Akiko Academy. To be generous, I was nervous. To not sugar-coat it, I was sweating like crazy, carrying a binder and New Moon under my arm and trying (failing) to not freak out. I walked in and opened the door, head down, and walked to my designated seat. I pushed my headband back, ruffling my caramel locks. Mr. Idgaf had, apparently, introduced me already and said, "Don't be afraid to go talk to her," or so I was told. I read till snack after finishing my work hella early because I'm a know-it-all. A few people approached me, and I put on a cheery demeanor to hide my worry, and after seeing that I was nice and relatively harmless, people like Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy came to introduce themselves to me. At lunch, we talked and I learned more about them. They seemed pretty nice.
I'm going to keep my distance, though.
Don't want it to end up like last time.

-Day End-

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