chapter 4

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Afterlife was beautiful for moments it was everything I imagined for seconds. My mother was there at the table like when I was ten before she died but, it felt cold. I could not feel a thing it felt like death then everything became red and dark all around. My family disappeared with the darkness that swarmed my once living family as a figure showed its self out of the daekness. I shutter and asked " Are you death...?" Silence fell between I and the figure as he raised his hood reveling an outline of darkness. While words could not describe what I was seeing. His voiced sounded like he was  drowning as he spoke " Seth you are in between worlds at the moment. I am a demon prince of the undead Orcas. I am able to translate myself through thoughs who have died and walk here. You have been choosen to be the demon lord of a new generation known as the walking dead. Though your body does not rot or decay but you have the power to be what ever you want but for you to come to the underworld you must die..." Seth cut the prince off screaming " I want to go home...its cold and sad here..." Before he knew it he was laying up agaist a wall where hundreds of dead bodies layed waiting to be buried or burned. Seth stood up reveling his dad's corpse beside him. He covered his mouth letting out quite yet held back sobs.

An undertaker found the boy minutes later
(Still under work)

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