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I woke up this morning with cold shivers surging through my mind; as sparks of regret from last night shimmered through my dark mind.

I watched as the cold weather caused me a brain freeze, allowing my cold mind determine whether or not you laid in my bed the night before, all because my body craved a cold warmth it just could not afford- never minding the consequences of unwrapping your finely packaged chocolate body that melted my hormones, causing them free flow without care for my soul.

Our bodies snuggled up against one another, taking us through those heavenly heights only our dirty minds could conceive. Your moans singing the “save my soul” song with the most pitch perfect of tones, as I ate through every piece of your chocolate body, inch by inch.
This wasn’t what you wanted, you had told me before you got into bed; as you’d had a number of men take you for granted. Although, my mind whispered “story of my life.”

I had almost given up my dreams of unravelling the mysteries of your chocolate body, after two failed attempts, yet your sweet temptation caused my cold mind to think of the craftiest of ways to make your chocolate body melt, even with the cold heart you had inside.

Well… that was about last night. I woke up this morning feeling worse than I was, before you crawled into my bed last night, as I think of the promises I had made to you last night- promises which I can’t fulfil in a lifetime. I
allowed my cold mind to grant you one more reason to keep you heart frozen.

Maybe you thought I was that one candle light on your night stand that would light up
your world; but to me you were a one-night stand- my candle for the night.

“I can’t eat my chocolate and have it” – the only conviction I can give myself…
Someone save my soul…

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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