getting to know the characters (part 2)

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My name is Kaiden,I'm a 17 year old guy who loves to play videogames (specifically fortnite) and hangout out with my Bros.

I live in Miami Florida with my mom my two brothers and little sister. Your probably Wondering where my father is...right? Well when I was only 2years old my father decided that it would be a good idea to leave me and my mom, and though I was only 2 years old and didn't really understand what was going on or why my dad left us, as I got older it started to hurt more and more not being able to have that kind of father figure in my life.

What hurt the most was that he never even tried to call or visit me nor my mom. Sometimes I do get a little upset just because I didn't really know him because he left so soon, but from the stories my mom tell me about him,he seems like he was a real chill dude. It does get hard sometimes not having him around but I still have this vision in my head where he'll come and visit me one day.

Anyway enough about my dad, so I met this really funny and energetic girl in the 1st grade and honestly when I first met her, we might have had been little but I knew right then and there that we were going to be the bestest friends and my instinct was right because ever since that day we have always been friends.
She's honestly like the Life of the every party. Being around her would make you feel happy and a bunch of other feelings that can't be explained. Everyone loves her and though she's not the popular type everyone knows her, that's just how effective she is on everyone's life.

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