Chapter 2: School Of Princes and Princesses

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   "This is a lovely meal, your Majesties. Thank you for letting us dine with you."

The two young Knights, the King, and the Queen were seated in an elegant dining room lit with a chandelier above their heads and candles scattered around the room. The room was painted a light tan with shiny wood floors and tall velvet curtains draped across the huge windows. The table was a polished long wood and the King and Queen were sitting at opposite ends. Butlers and Maids constantly moved to and from the kitchen carrying dishes of food, sending a rushed feeling through the room.

"You are welcome,"the Queen gently dabbed at her mouth with a napkin. She had hair the color of night and a kind face with pink dusting scattered across her cheeks. A lovely aroma of Italian food invaded the King's senses and the small orchestra played softly in the background. The music made the King smile as he remembered a time when he and his princess were young; their childhood memories together. The King stood up,making everyone look at him, and walked the length of the table to meet his beautiful wife, sticking out his calloused hand to her. A silent invitation to dance.

"My lady,"he grinned. Smiling, she grabbed his hand and stood up placing the napkin that was on her lap onto the table. Pulling her to the ballroom gently, they started dancing. As soon as their royally clad feet touched the ballroom floor the orchestra sat up straighter and started playing a louder, more beautiful song.

The King and Queen were so entranced in their own dance and memories that they didn't even notice that everyone else had stopped their jobs and were now watching them dance, completely entranced.

The blonde haired Knight watched the two lovers dance to memories and thought of his own two fighting parents at home, not that it was home anymore, and wondered if they had ever been that in love before.

The King and Queen's dance ended and they separated as the crowd that had gathered applauded their little dance. The King bowed and the Queen, blushing, curtsied. Smiles obvious on both their faces. Quietly, the King helped the Queen to her seat and when she was seated, he bent down and kissed her cheek, the crowd "awwed". Pushing the chair in, the King walked back to his chair and the Queen tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, embarrassed. An ache settled in the Blonde haired Knight's stomach.

Trying to politely excuse himself he said," That was beautiful, your majesties. Excuse me."

He quickly got to his feet and quickly grabbed the table for support, his knees felt weak. Regaining his composure, he quickly and quietly walked away from the table. He walked down the long hallway and when he reached his room, he twisted the handle and launched himself onto his four poster bed. He had spend so many days training here that the King and Queen insisted that he got his own extra spare bedroom in case. He had used plenty of excuses just to sleep here and away from his yelling parents.

Memories of the Queen rescuing him as a street rat and giving him Knight training so he wasn't on the street anymore rushed through his mind and brought tears to his blue eyes. I don't deserve to be a Knight, he thought, I'm just blackening the King and Queen's name.

It was so overwhelming that the young, brave, broken Knight started crying. Not just tears, but full on sobbing. It was so heartbreaking for the Queen who listened from behind the closed door.

Knocking on the door with her knuckles, she politely asked to come in. Standing, he harshly wiped under his eyes trying to remove any trace of wetness.

"You can come in," he said. His voice was hoarse and it cracked halfway through. He flinched, hoping she hadn't heard; she had.

She smiled painfully and opened the door. Standing in front of her was a boy who had been trying for so long to be a strong young man, and as she took him in her arms she felt her heart melting. Walking towards him, she opened her arms for a hug. He quickly accepted and as he stood there stiffly he suddenly realized that she knew all about his faćade and he quickly dropped it, melting into the warm and motherly hug and crying onto her soft shoulder.

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