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I woke to sunlight streaming through the blinds on my window. I lived in a shabby apartment building in downtown Manhattan. I still paid a lot to keep the place but when you've lived as long as I have you tend to have a lot of money. Now I should tell you I'm one hundred and twenty three years old and I'm pretty bitter about it. I still look 23 but those close to me know the truth. I'm average except for my age. I have brown hair and gray eyes,with fair skin that's covered in freckles. I work as a nurse in Gracie Square hospital helping those who are going through some of the same things I went through.
I stretched as I got up walking to the bathroom. I started the shower and let it run until it got hot and stepped in. After I had showered I walked into my room and got dressed not noticing the figure that stood behind me.
"Mae if you wanted attention you needn't undress" he said coolly startling me.
"Are you serious" I yelled at him "do you know how much you just scared me! If I could die I would have just then"
He gave me a look as if to say he was not amused.
"I didn't mean to scare you Mae, you should be more aware of your surroundings" he sounded almost bored.
"You know I don't remember inviting you into my house. Why are you here" I questioned him.
"I got bored and you're almost always entertaining" he said sounding amused by the situation. I looked into his green eyes and saw that they were shining.
"Why are you giving me that look? I don't have time for your games I have to get ready for work" I said almost yelling when I realized the time. It was eight and I needed to be at the hospital at nine. He just stared at me and stepped aside so I could run and get ready. He followed behind me as I got my coffee. "Are you going to tell me the real reason you're here or are you just going to follow me like a lost puppy while I get ready" I asked a little calmer as I sipped my coffee. " I was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by and see how you are Mae" he replied still in the same bored manner. "Well we can talk later I need to go" I said as I opened my door. I left in a hurry not thinking about the fact that i just left death alone in my apartment.
Now as much as I love helping those who need help, my department in the hospital is one of the more depressing. I've seen kid after kid come in looking defeated and leave looking scared. Sometimes I feel it does more harm than help but every once in a while you get a kid that will recover their desire for happiness and they'll end up pursuing it. Those are the people who make my day a little less depressing. Many of them have helped others as well, helping them discern real from not real and allowing others the simplicity of not worrying for once. I sigh as I knock on one of the doors.
"Delila it's time for group. Could you come out here" I ask wondering if she'll participate today or just brood in the dark.
"I'll be there in a sec Miss Mae" she responds feebly.
I'm actually surprised shes even offering to participate. She opens the door and looks at me.
"Its good to see you trying" I say as encouragingly as possible. She just groaned and headed down the hall. I watched her walk until she reached to door and then I turned and went about my other duties silently hoping for my day to end simply because standing was beginning to be painful. Soon I was handing out meals and getting ready to clock out. All I had to do was check on a few patients and make sure they were doing alright and I could go home.
Home sweet home. God it feels so good to be away from all of the sadness in that ward. I went to take my shoes off and jumped when I saw that death was sitting in my favorite arm chair.
"You have got to stop doing this. One day it's going to make my heart stop" I said trying to calm my racing heart.
"Its not like you can actually die Mae. Also if I recall correctly you did say we'd talk after you got back from work" he said almost smugly. Sometimes I really want to just smack the smirk right off his face.
"Okay I did say that but I didn't mean literally as soon as I got home. It's been a really long day and I'd rather not deal with your mind tricks right now" I said with a mournful look at my bedroom door.
"Well little miss Mae decides she wants to put off the same conversation I've been trying to have with her for one hundred years" he said sounding a little more then frustrated with me.
"How the fuck was I supposed to know it was serious? You never say anything other then little jokes and reminders that I can't die" I said sadly looking at him in a slightly new light. I'd never seen death so frustrated with anything and it was a little bit scary.
"I'm sorry for sounding so... harsh" he said pausing in between words as though trying to collect himself. She wanted to just make him a cup of tea and have him relax before he exploded but she didnt know if it was appropriate at that time.
"That would be lovely, Mae"
She walked off not seeing the way he looked at her when her back was turned. It was almost longing. He knew of his feelings but she was still in the dark. She had been for almost fifty years now. He sighed and waited.

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