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Pierce was the type of guy to pick waffles over pancakes, any day, hands down. The way the maple syrup filled every crevasse and square with sweet sap soothed his slight case of OCD. And the pop of the toaster when he put the frozen EGGO waffles in, even though he has yet cease jumping out of his skin, always excited him and made him joyful.

Pierce wasn't like normal teens, he liked jump scares and surprises. He liked making possibilities for the unknown. Last Halloween, him and Ryan worked part-time at a haunted house. He was dressed as a horrid scarecrow with fake intestines spilling from his tattered red flannel, jumping off the stake he stood still on and jumping in front of random people as they walked by. Ryan was a Hannibal Lecter copycat and chased people chanting cannibal sayings. To be fairly honest, he mainly chased packs of teenage girls without an adult around. The two best friends occasionally had day-to-night horror movie marathons to fulfill their love of the supernatural and serial killers (Pierce more than Ryan).

Pierce loved the human mind so much, he planned on making psychology his major in college (hopefully a university).

Pierce never told Ryan what's been eating at him alive since forever. Maybe his love for horror, is because he sees supernatural things himself. He knew if he told Ryan any of that, he'd basically be asking to be made fun of.

When he first saw the shadows, or shadow, he doesn't truly know if he's seeing one or multiple, he was completely petrified. The first thought that crossed through his seven year old mind, that the thing in front of him was an evil demon trying to capture him and kill him. He didn't understand it, and honestly he still hadn't. He watched all these ghost movies, read stories, urban legends, myths, listened to podcasts. And he had nowhere to start when looking for a motive for whatever was after him. As he grew and seen them plenty of times, he appeared more calm. But inside, he was just as curious as he was a decade ago. He no longer feared whatever it is. And he's sure he'll discover why its whereabouts are near him. That's the big question: why him?

His train of thought was interrupted by his phone ringing. He strode over to his bed where the phone laid. He picked it up, checking the ID Caller. Ryan.

"Yo," Pierce said once he answered the call, flopping onto his comfortable duvet.

"I'm coming over," Ryan said on the other side of the line. Oh sure, you have my permission, Pierce thought with a heavy eye roll. "Don't protest, you should probably tell your mom. I'm literally turning on your street. Don't trip downstairs."

"Don't tell me what to do," Pierce grumbled walking downstairs carefully to not trip. Though Ryan was annoying about it, it's true. Pierce was a complete klutz.

𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐒 - 𝐀. 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐖𝐎𝐎𝐃Where stories live. Discover now